Bloom is becoming a label and business

According to Saki the owner of Bloom records it’s becoming duo sided one being label and the other being business
Ran will go under Vex company
Jigsaw will go under Nobel records
Libravel and GrimAqua will go under Bloom records

while the other side will have multiple business

everything will remain the same just the bands will be under new labels but still signed to Bloom


It was very confusing to read waking up this morning I was like “ok, so now Ran is under Vex and Vex is under bloom…Saki why your making this more confusing then it needs to be”

:rofl: not enough profit had to make a new label that way double label taxes

Cion is now a representive of Vex who is the label of Ran

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It’s like Ains and their sublabels they had for their bands, and it was worst with them cause they were keeping it secret

Is this the same Cion that was vocalist for Vrzel?

yes ^^

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Yeah, they annouced it back in like the start of April and then dead silent till last night at Ran live “SURPISE! where now on Vex” there was no former communication I saw from any of Ran members about it and Cion came out of nowhere

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