Oh no I totally didn’t realise his archives aren’t public T_T so I can’t relisten right now… not sure about your currency but it’s about SGD 7 for me, might be about 800 yen for YouTube membership. But I hope you managed to enjoy the stream as much as you could!
This is true! Of course we can’t rely on it 100% but with my basic understanding I can pick up a good gist of what they’re getting at, for Sakito as well. Of course there are specific terms and all that but if there’s anything you’re unsure feel free to pop by here and let’s see if we can help you out!
TIL omg this guy is nuts in the best way possible. As you guys can see I’ve been spending a lot of time at the Sakito side of things xD Thank you for enlightening me, I hope Hitsugi can still get some good rest nonetheless, however it works for him! It’s so amazing to see him so full of energy even after an intense tour. Thanks for sharing!!! <3
They surely would have loved to do the full tour. They kept saying they will come back at the final concert. I think they meant it but i am not sure if it is 100% in their hands.
I’ll try to catch them Japan. They made such a great impression.
So, the best source for updates I think is going to be their twitter x.com, but it’s in Japanese of course (there should be a translate text option). This forum is also a good place, and vkgy has a pretty updated profile for them NIGHTMARE profile | ナイトメアプロフィール | vkgy (ブイケージ).
As for Bakuretsu (爆烈ナイトメア) on NicoNico (NIGHTMAREチャンネル - ニコニコチャンネル:音楽), the latter half is usually paid, but the first half shouldn’t be. Although, it goes away after a week I believe? On NicoNico, they don’t have subtitles though. As someone that only knows English, the best places to find info, news, content, etc. is usually through Japanese sources, but I would also definitely try Youtube since there are auto-translate subtitles sometimes.
For live reports I’m not sure on a single source, but I’ve seen a few reports from fans on note.com and interviews and reports on spice.eplus.jp. Something you could also try is translating an English question into Japanese and searching that on Google. Moral of the story, Google Translate is your friend
A bit off topic, but more trivia about the gig I found online:
On this date, November 21, 1960, in an act of revenge for the Beatles defecting from the Kaiserkeller in Hamburg Germany to play down the street at the Top Ten Club, Kaiserkeller owner Bruno Koschmider reported to the police that guitarist George Harrison was not legally of age to be working in Germany. On November 21, Harrison was deported back to the UK.
In late October 1960, The Beatles had left Koschmider’s club to work at the Top Ten Club, as owner Peter Eckhorn offered the group more money, a better PA (with reverb and echo) and a slightly better place to sleep (above the club itself) although by doing so the group broke their contract with Koschmider. Koschmider then reported Harrison for working under the legal age limit (even though he had been working at Koschmider’s club) and Harrison was deported. When Pete Best and Paul McCartney went back to the Bambi Kino cinema where they had been staying in one dank room, to get their belongings they found it in almost total darkness. As a snub to Koschmider, McCartney and Best found a condom in their luggage, attached it to a nail on the concrete wall of the room, and set fire to it in order to have light to gather their possessions. There was no real damage done, but Koschmider reported them both for attempted arson. McCartney: “One evening we were just walking down the Reeperbahn, when we heard this ‘ta-ti-ti-ta’, and then ‘Komm mit mir!’ (‘Come with me!’)”. Best and McCartney spent three hours in the Davidwache Police Station, and were deported on 1 December 1960. John Lennon’s work permit was revoked a few days later and he went home by train, but as Stuart Sutcliffe had a cold, he stayed in Hamburg.
After Harrison turned 18 and the immigration problems had been solved, the Beatles went back to Hamburg for another residency at the Top Ten Club, playing from 27 March to 2 July 1961.
According to George Harrison, “Hamburg was really like our apprenticeship, learning how to play in front of people.”
Thank you so much for sharing about this! Gonna read this more closely soon - I just recalled in the YouTube stream that Hitsugi said that he didn’t know about the Beatles connection that place had until his dad told him about it. Really significant and memorable that they were there.
@RavanDahlia has probably answered your question in depth! I get most of my updates from Twitter/X too. I’ll see if I can post up any information from time to time where needed (probably gotta start going back to the original nightmare thread at some point), feel free to flag here if there’s anything you need more info on! Now before their long tour might be a tad bit quiet but there’s some upcoming events for some of the individual members me thinks.
Thank you! I don’t use forums too often (though I’ve only had great experiences here from the amazing people ;w;) so I wasn’t sure if we can still talk about nightmare stuff outside the tour?
Tour looked like it went well despite the promoter mishaps, hope they can come to the U.S next year or later this year since envolprod brings a few artists to the states.
Seems like Sakito had a whirlwind of a Europe tour forgetting things here and there xD I think the auto-translate subs got the gist pretty well but yeah if there’s anything unclear lets see if we can tackle that together
Ruka did one I think, i think it was limited as always to subscribers to his site! So yeah Ni~ya it is…! We’re waiting for crazy fisherman!
Oh oops, quick FYI: it’s a fan account that’s reuploading those vids, as the full video is supposed to only be accessible to fans subscribed to their Nico Nico
All the Bakuretsu Nightmare episodes eventually get uploaded on youtube by a fanaccount(after a few weeks) and youtube provides some basic translations, so whie that might not be a way to keep on track, you can always revisit the episodes on youtube (they are liteally called naitomea so shouldnt be hard to find)
edit: just now saw that somebody later mentioned it lol