Earlier people talked about when VK peaked and ended.
I could write an essay on this but I can say that one of the reasons is that the crazy japanese companies did not let their bands promote themselves on youtube. If you wanted to watch their pv you had to buy some fking special version or something, from a site that was all in japanese.
It was fun when it lasted, I am happy I was there from the beginning to the end.
Today the vk/jrock bands worth listening to are less than 10. Everything else is crap. New vk bands suck ass. Sorry to write so harsh, but I am really sad it ended this way.
Is there a chance they can turn it around for another peak? No. People simply don’t give a shiat anymore, sorry to say it. Japanese things are not “excotic” and “mysterious” anymore. And to earn money on music in especially Japan is BRUTAL.
Much negativity here but I’ll say that for example Matenro Opera is really good. A really good band. So many bangers and their recent releases are all wins. I personally also like Mucc, I think they have a good sense to release good songs with really catchy choruses, and have a deep discography worth going through with many hidden gems. DeG is good and classic with many bangers like listen to Different Sense, and see when it was released and remember what I just wrote above… but it feels like they now are tired. Even though they had some really good songs on Phalaris like 13 and Perfume of Sins, I feel we arent far away from a disbandment.
Well that was some rambling, I wrote an essay after all. I guess I am to passionate about this that I cant just keep it short. I really love jrock/vk its a huge part of my life but it is overall dead today, the small activity there is on life support. Bands disband all the time because they again, cant earn any money and start to work as hosts, star in gay p*rn or at the local convience store. Thats a way better way to earn money than trying music. Sadly.
Zig zag already as popular as Gazette in Japan, but they are pop rock and too special for overseas, Kizu is second most popular band, with heavier sound. Jiluka became more known overseas recently, but it’s not real popularity, just some hype. In Japan they still don’t perform in big halls.
Your previous account(s) were banned because of violating this rule. One person can only have one JROCK ONE account. We detected you having multiple accounts, and using these accounts to boost each other. This is not allowed as per the rules.
You keep creating a new account from time to time, resulting in having around 5-6 accounts or even more. As said above, we do not allow having multiple accounts. We didn’t ban your main account but only your alternate ones. And you still kept creating a new one, so we decided to ban your main account permanently as well.
Having more than one account will also result in getting your main account banned if it’s a repetitive behavior. And no one can get away with that.
I didn’t know. I was trying to log in and couldn’t remember which email I used to register because I rarely come here, so I created a new account because it was easy. Then I just couldn’t log in and kept trying
If the visuals of VK bandmembers have influenced you to the point that you can’t think of anyone “normal” as attractive anymore, you might want to calm down the amount of VK consumption.
Don’t get me wrong here, I understand that VK fans like the visual part, but I don’t think those are realistic standards.
And I promise you even the most beautiful or handsome VK bandmember has days were he is gonna look like shit!
30-40 year old band dudes are not your kids or your ‘baby’ as in like UwU they look so cute with pacifier edits and baby-core aesthetics (please someone end tiktok) stop infantilizing them there just guys playing on a stage hoping to make rent this month or thinking about where to eat ramen after the show
Is this really a hot take? Is this the norm within VK? This feels like an extreme example of teenagers on Twitter being goofy, but maybe I’m just blissfully ignorant.
I can say that fans in our day also had these kinds of parasocial relationships, thoughts and posts, but the amplification of social media and a more integrated Internet makes it seem a lot more common.
Like I said elsewhere, most of these fans tend to flame out once the obsession dies down. This forum also self selects to a group of older individuals that have already had their moment, so within our borders it seems very uncommon but in the wider waters it is.