VKei and JRock Christmas songs

So many vkei Christmas songs …
Let me add some jpop ones, because its chrismas eve and i am in the mood for it

Exile owning that cover of “last Christmas”, as if its their own song

:latin_cross: :christmas_tree: :latin_cross:


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Jingle Bed by Vrzel


Or am I? Nah idk if that shit even counts, it’s about fuckin but the MV and title references christmas shit at one point ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

New official Susej Christ birthday song, this shit is a bop. GOD TIER MUSIC, MY GUY.

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For me, Lareine’s Fuyu Tokyo definitely is an Christmas song

And outside visual kei, we cant forget Tommy heavenly6 - I LOVE XMAS

edit: I just remembered Gackt - White Lovers


This is more relevant than ever.

I believe 0801弐209XX6 had a xmas song, but I don’t remember the name… if anyone knows please tell me.

Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXqoq72KS6Y It seems Jinsei mentioned this song already though. Credit to them for knowing it haha.

It’s this one: