Been into this dank visual scene too long to remember a proper time when I was introduced to it but I mostly blame L’Arc~en~Ciel.
I’ve been playing video games since I could properly use a controller and pretty serious about the way I feel regarding certain series.
I’m also pretty critical of the video game industry, you’ve been warned.
The visual kei is a shitshow of a genre and unless you can accept that you’ll never really understand it.
I’m not just deep into visual kei, I also enjoy a large variety of Asian/Western bands/groups as well.
I’m a fairly nice person but my anxiety can kinda get to me at times but it’s not something I generally let win.
Do whatever makes you happy just don’t hurt anyone doing it.
Enjoy whatever kind of music you like, just understand others may not feel the same way.
There are always new bands I can get into so feel free to throw some my way if you feel like I’ll like something.
I play ALOT of games via Steam (wanna add me let me know) and Final Fantasy XIV is my drug of choice!