【self-intro】total newcomer

Hey hey,

Gya joining from rural-ish Japan. I go to lives as often as I can, or as often as they come to me :wink:

I’ve never really gotten involved in online-comms for vkei in a meaningful way beyond reading livejournal many years ago and scrolling tanuki every once in a while.

Nice to meet everyone!
Gonna make a bunch of mistakes using this forum at first so please forgive me in advance!



Welcome to the forum! I see on your bio that we have some bands in common, nice!
I hope you’ll enjoy your time here with us (^^)

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Heyy! Gya from tokyo here! I am also the occasional tanuki lurker (sometimes poster) lol. We don’t have that many bands in common but hit me up if you ever come to tokyo for xaa-xaa or kizu!



We won’t bite, some of us might have some hard heads thou :face_with_peeking_eye:

Also we staff are always here to help out, otherwise everyone else here usually helps out too, as they can :rainbow::unicorn::sparkling_heart:


Welcome! I see Kamijo and co. on your list, great taste :saluting_face: What are your favourite Lareine, Versailles and Kamijo songs?


Oh wow for sure!! Fingers crossed some day soon~

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Wow guys thanks for the warm welcome <3

That’s surprisingly hard to answer haha
For Versailles, Ascended Master has been special toe for a long time. I love songs that have a story!
For Kamijo, mademoiselle, definitely!
Lareine, Future Tokyo is my go-to when winter comes ^^



Hello welcome! Codomo Dragon woot wootttt. Hope you have a good time!


I admit I also have such a hard time picking favourite songs and when I try, most of the time I just end up listing their entire discograpies :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

From Lareine I’d have to pick Fuyuu Tokyo too though, because it is the song that cemented my love for Kamijo some 19 years ago and I still adore it. Recently I am also obsessed with the whole Scream album.

From Versailles God Palace and Masquerade are definitely among my favourites and Destiny -the lovers-, Serenade, Ascendead Master and Love will be born again are up there as well.

From Kamijo’s solo career I absolutely adore the odd ones out like Heel, Moulin Rouge and Bloodway. The whole of Symphony of the Vampire and the Sang trilogy are absolute masterpieces as well. And also Castrato and… yeah okay I am definitely doing the whole discography thing again :sweat_smile:


Moulin Rouge representation!! I love that song, the lyrics are adorably on-the-nose hahaha

I should have mentioned, I also really love Vogue. Still so blindsided by the way Versailles came back for that one release. I’m a bit out of the loop but what do you think of Joker Me?


Haha Moulin Rouge definitely doesn’t get many points for hidden depths but I love it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also Vogue! I still forget it exists sometimes and then I am blown away again all over again. It is so good and the PV too. I love how it sounds, looks and feels exactly like Versailles but also somehow elevated and fresh. It is absolutely incredible :sob:

I love the Joker Me skit so much :face_holding_back_tears: Like he just quietly launched it and it honestly took at least the international community a while to even notice and even then not everyone realised/believed it was Kamijo until vkgy spilled the beans and it was absolutely hilarious :laughing: I wish I could have been to the live so much and I would absolutely die if he took over one of the spring tour shows I will be attending. I know the chances are slim but :face_holding_back_tears: How about you?


Totally the same here hahaha
I momentarily doubted it was him, it’s such a random project and I love that Kamijo does chaotic stuff like that xD I really hope they do a live while you’re around in Spring. I also really wished I could have made it to the recent lives xD

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I love his sense of humour so much :face_holding_back_tears::heart:

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