シド (SID) 20th anniversary box release

シド (SID) 20th anniversary box (title not yet finalized) will be released at 2023/03/29
it will include 15 CD, Blu-ray (music collection) and good (33000yen)

[Disc 1] 憐哀-レンアイ-
[Disc 2] 星の都
[Disc 3] play
[Disc 4] センチメンタルマキアート
[Disc 5] hikari
[Disc 6] dead stock
[Disc 7] M&W
[Disc 9] NOMAD
[Disc 10] いちばん好きな場所
[Disc 11] 承認欲求
[Disc 12] 海辺
[Disc 13] Side A complete collection … 「ENAMEL」「White tree」「漂流」「delete」「ほうき星」「siren」「声色」「Star Forest」…
[Disc 14] Side B complete collection ~e.B 4~ … 「season」「泣き出した女と虚無感」「日傘」「怪盗ネオン」「歌姫」「cut」「すぐ傍で」「暖炉」「秋風」「囮」「Graduation」「レイニーデイ」…
[Disc 15] Side B complete collection ~e.B 5~ … 「走馬灯」「絶望の旗」「焼却炉」「CELEBRITY」「SENSE」「砂の城」「影絵」「運命の人」「夢心地」「チイサナツバサ」「ASH」…


Now THIS is a proper anniversary box.

This is gonna be expensive makes sense why :fearful:

Would be cool if they released the instrumentals as well!
Also e.B4 & 5 have tracks from e.B2 & 3. Maybe they should have just released e.B2 & 3 as an extended version wth dawg!