優希 (yuuki) (ex-くるる (kururu), Asty) new men’s idol group, “閃光ラビット” (Senkou Rabbit) has formed on 4/4 and they will hold their first predebut oneman live on 5/23 at Shinjuku Motion.
2 digital singles “閃光ラビット” (Senkou Rabbit) and “ジェットコースター” (jet coaster) have been released on their Tunecore.
new best album “ラビラビBEST” (Rabirabi BEST) has been released on 9/28
btw yellow dude ねるねる ねるね (neruneru nerune) has been fired on 9/15 due to multiple breaches of contract, repeatedly abandoning scheduled meetings and concerts, and being seen at a bar presumably to avoid said events.
Yuuki special band has also performed covers of Asty, Log, and Senkou Rabbit songs
Vo.れい (rei) (BLACK SNOW)
Gt.りと (rito) (Nightmare Darling)
Ba.水銀優希 (suigin yuuki) (Senkou Rabbit)
Dr.らいせ (raise) (Nightmare Darling)