0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan) Dr.神崎 流空 (Kanzaki Iria) has left the band and new look

0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan) drummer 神崎 流空 (Kanzaki Iria) has announced on twitter that he left the band on September 21 due to various reasons that he stated on this message:

The band also posted a new look and will release a new song called 「Act of rebellion 〜支配ト破壊ノ血印〜」("Act of rebellion 〜shihai to hakai no ketsuin〜) soon.


So I’m guessing he’s either tired of their bullshit or he got someone pregnant.

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It seems like a mixture of a couple things:

  • He was in charge of managing the band and things got difficult with changing times and direction.
  • Had to start a business completely unrelated to the band, possibly related to their financial struggles during the pandemic.
  • His tendonitis kept coming back, so it became less viable for him (as a drummer esp.) to continue w/ the band.
  • He says he’s not necessarily going to quit being a drummer or artist (uncertain).

A stunning look for a shitty band.


the look looks great but I really hate it when you see people playing violin out of “AESTHETIC” reasons when you know that they don’t play it. Also that black green haired dude looks like in both images so identical it is unnerving.

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