I first got into Visual Kei around 2003 or 2004 through Animexx, and I quickly fell in love with Malice Mizer. While I also listened to other popular bands of the time, like The Gazette or D’espairsRay, to be honest, Malice Mizer was the only one I truly liked
I attended Rock im Park, where Dir en grey performed live—along with, I think, Deadman, though I don’t remember clearly. I also went to a D’espairsRay concert, which I believe was a taiban with Kagerou. I also joined Vkei fan meetups for a while, but over time, I got exhausted by the constant drama and ended up stepping away from the scene altogether.
Fast forward to 2021: thanks to the Castlevania anime (for some reason), I found myself craving dark music and decided to revisit Malice Mizer. From there, YouTube started adding Kamijo and Versailles to my playlists, and I enjoyed their music as well.
Curious about what bands were popular at the time, I joined a Discord server. Someone there shared a music video from a new band, and one of the members looked just like my favorite Castlevania character!
The person who caught my attention ended up becoming someone very special in my life. Through him I gained new friends, not only fans but also with other bandmembers
As huge fan of D’espairsRay and a fan of GazettE, this breaks my heart But also relatable, I definitely listened to a lot of popular stuff around that time that I am now not sure I ever truly liked lol.
As someone suffering from permanent Kamijo-brainrot, what are your favourite songs by him and/or Versailles? And do you also like Lareine? I feel like out of all his projects it is closest to Malice Mizer
I actually bought Versailles’ first album when it was released. I listened to it and thought, ‘Meh, it’s not quite like Malice Mizer,’ but I still gave it a chance back then. Unfortunately, I ended up selling it. My favorite Kamijo song is Mademoiselle. What’s yours?
I like some Lareine songs, though not all of them. That said, Kamijo during his Lareine days looked really dreamy .
Yeah, Versailles is not really similar to MM Lareine is much closer, although I do think there is nothing quite like MM.
Mademoiselle is lovely! Although I don’t quite understand why it seems to be so much more pipular than all the rest of his songs I have a very difficult time picking favourites with him, I always end up kinda listing his whole discography. But recently I have been most obsessed with Heel, Bastille and Utsukushii hibi no kagera.
He absolutely did and still does. I love that he is growing his hair out again and I swear he is getting prettier every day