a bit late

I first got into Visual Kei around 2003 or 2004 through Animexx, and I quickly fell in love with Malice Mizer. While I also listened to other popular bands of the time, like The Gazette or D’espairsRay, to be honest, Malice Mizer was the only one I truly liked :grimacing:

I attended Rock im Park, where Dir en grey performed live—along with, I think, Deadman, though I don’t remember clearly. I also went to a D’espairsRay concert, which I believe was a taiban with Kagerou. I also joined Vkei fan meetups for a while, but over time, I got exhausted by the constant drama and ended up stepping away from the scene altogether.

Fast forward to 2021: thanks to the Castlevania anime (for some reason), I found myself craving dark music and decided to revisit Malice Mizer. From there, YouTube started adding Kamijo and Versailles to my playlists, and I enjoyed their music as well.

Curious about what bands were popular at the time, I joined a Discord server. Someone there shared a music video from a new band, and one of the members looked just like my favorite Castlevania character! :blush:

The person who caught my attention ended up becoming someone very special in my life. Through him I gained new friends, not only fans but also with other bandmembers


Welcome Antoinette!

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thank you :smiling_face:


As huge fan of D’espairsRay and a fan of GazettE, this breaks my heart :smiling_face_with_tear: But also relatable, I definitely listened to a lot of popular stuff around that time that I am now not sure I ever truly liked lol.

As someone suffering from permanent Kamijo-brainrot, what are your favourite songs by him and/or Versailles? And do you also like Lareine? I feel like out of all his projects it is closest to Malice Mizer :thinking:

A late

Wir kennen uns ja schon :sweat_smile::laughing:

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Bekomm ich jetzt so ein Abzeichen :heart_eyes: ?

Nein, die sind französisch, Ich geb nur deutsche raus :joy:

I actually bought Versailles’ first album when it was released. I listened to it and thought, ‘Meh, it’s not quite like Malice Mizer,’ but I still gave it a chance back then. Unfortunately, I ended up selling it. My favorite Kamijo song is Mademoiselle. What’s yours?

I like some Lareine songs, though not all of them. That said, Kamijo during his Lareine days looked really dreamy :heart_eyes: .

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Anzeige ist raus :rage:

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Yeah, Versailles is not really similar to MM :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Lareine is much closer, although I do think there is nothing quite like MM.

Mademoiselle is lovely! Although I don’t quite understand why it seems to be so much more pipular than all the rest of his songs :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I have a very difficult time picking favourites with him, I always end up kinda listing his whole discography. But recently I have been most obsessed with Heel, Bastille and Utsukushii hibi no kagera.

He absolutely did and still does. I love that he is growing his hair out again and I swear he is getting prettier every day :face_holding_back_tears::heart_hands:

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