about moi

hello fellow j-rock and vkei fans!

i go by charlotte, i’m in my 20s, and i use she/they pronouns— i am also residing in the western united states :slight_smile: i also know a good amount of both japanese and french, are we surprised with a username like mine?
my history and love for these genres and subcultures is long and varied, but this is my first time making an account on a forum dedicated to them.

my main faves are lareine (kamijo), buck-tick (atsushi), unite (lin), x japan/zilch (hide), but i love listening to new bands everyday! there’s nothing i dislike, trust me.

i hope to spend lots of time here discussing artists, making connections, and having fun!
much love <3


Hello and welcome, nice to meet you
I hope you get to chat a lot about your favorite bands etc

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thank you, thank you! especially for that specific image … :swoons:

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Bonjour honey and welcome! :hugs:

I am very excited to meet another Kamijo fan, he is incredible :heart_hands:

What are your favourite Lareine songs? And if you also like Versailles, New Sodmy and/or his solo, which are you favourites there?

bonjour, bonjour! i am so excited too, he was my first love way back when, and it’s never faded, LOL!

my favorite lareine songs … that’s HARD! but, right now, probably 悲愁の花園 , miss carmila, and 憂いの花が綴る愛 :rose:

i really love all of his other works as well! for new sodmy, i am really liking actor lately. for versailles, i always go back to melodic thorn … them VOCALS :drooling_face:
and for solo kamijo … that’s another difficulty to pick— i had a huuuge moment with mademoiselle when it came out, but i’ve been keen on both the crimson dragon and temple eps right now! and violent dawn, of course :sunglasses:

how about yourself? and how are you feeling about his relocation to los angeles?

Same, Lareine was my gateway drug into vkei and I have adored Kamijo ever since :face_holding_back_tears:

Those are all incredible picks :heart_hands: Persona Grata is my personal favourite out of the Kojima singles but that might be just because I love Bloodway so much and I can’t get over how much that version of Mystery sounds like a disney song :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I am always bad at picking favourite songs, particularly with Kamijo because I just end up listing his whole discography :face_holding_back_tears: Fuyu Tokyo will always be extra special though and lately I have been obsessed with the whole of the Vampire Scream album. I also keep rewatching that one live of Darkness on YT lol. For… reasons.

From Versailles I think God Palace, Serenade, Destiny ~the lovers~, Vogue, Love will be born again and Ascendead master are my at least some of my top favourites. From New Sodmy I think Phantom might be my current favourite. From his solo I am recently most obsessed with Bastille, Heel and the whole of Violet Dawn. …I am no tempted again to just list everything he has ever made but I must resist :face_with_peeking_eye:

It was a bit of a shock but his courage to always try new things and follow his heart is really admirable and imo probably one of the things that makes him such an incredible artist. I am excitrd for him and really hope he finds whatever he is looking for there :face_holding_back_tears::heart_hands:

omg yes, persona grata is so iconic!! i honestly don’t see many people talk about it. i feel the same way about listening to the whole discography, i get ‘stuck’ and can’t get out, not like i’d want to anyhow. and GOSH, i know … darkness’ lyrics especially have me :swoon:

ascendead master is iconic, same with destiny! fantastic choices all around. i have to say, violet dawn has had to grow on me, but i am fully addicted now! plus, he looks GREAT!

i feel the exact same! i am so unbelivably proud of him, and i am sure yoshiki will help him follow his symphonic dreams in the golden state, LOL! personally, this gives me a way bigger chance to see him, which i am so grateful for.

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Violet Dawn is anothwr wonderful example of how he is always trying something new. It still sounds like him 100% but also different and I love it so much. And the look is so stunning, I wish he wore that costume more. But I suppose it was doomed from the start since it has a corset and the king needs his comfort :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Please no, he doesn’t need to pick up any bad habits from Yoshiki :sob:

I really hope you get the chance! There should be an US tour in the works so I hope you can make it! Who knows, it might finally be time for me to try visiting the states too :face_with_hand_over_mouth: