All time popular VK songs

I need help
There is a Japanese TV crew coming to an anime con to record Dutch people doing karaoke for Japanese TV
I asked over email if VK music is okay before I sign up for the recordings, and they instantly want to book woth me to sing popular songs “a lot of Japanese people will recognize”

I used Versailles as example in my original email, so if the range could be about Kamijo/Gackt style, that would be great :,D

Would people think Malice Mizer is good here?

Malice Mizer and Gackt should work.

If you want to be 100% sure that a looooot of japanense people will recognise it: X-Japan and L’Arc~en~Ciel are the obvious choices. Luna Sea maybe as well.

My japanense friend who really does not care about music still knows X and Laruku.

Also song choice matters. Often people don’t know a particular artist but they know their biggest hit.


Malice Mizer, let alone Versailles, are way, WAY too niche for your purpose (please appreciate you’re talking bands who never made it to the mainstream, plus the heydey of VK was late 90’s…)
X-Japan (Kurenai, Endless Rain), Luna Sea, L’arc-en-ciel are good suggestions, but even the latter two are a stretch for "popular songs a lot of Japanese people will recognize”


when in doubt, sing the most karaoke song ever made

Buck-tick - Dress

(but, actually, everyone and their mom will know kurenai)


pretty sure aku no hana is the more popular b-t song there

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DO IT!!!


Thank you for all the replies!! :,D

So far I feel comfortable signing
Buck-Tick Dress
X-Japan Endless rain
Luna sea I for You

I was thinking Malice Mizer Bel Air (Vers elle) myself

I need to send in a list of songs I’m comfortable with, so they can pick one out for me

(I tried kurenai but I rely on my headvoice too much, I sound too opera-esque for this song lol)

if you want Malice Mizer, bel air really is the choice. They were on their height on Merveilles

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I sent an email back with these four songs, let’s see what they say :,D
Thank you all again!! <3

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It happened broskis
I had to do Endless rain, and it was extremely difficult :,D
I’m not totally proud of my performance, but I somehow got the highest score of my country with 90/100

(Full episode)


22 ads in this site and even the video wasnt loading :frowning:

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Oh noooo
I got it to work with a VPN and my old apartment’s postal code :no_mouth:
I’d say to enter some random konbini’s postal code if you really need to enter one

1:05:34 starts and u sing at 1:07:38 and sugooooooooooi 90.035 pts.

U was cute :heart_eyes:

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Awawawa thank you!!
I certainly need to practice my low notes more :,D
(I haven’t been taking vocals seriously until a year ago)

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