It may not be common knowledge, but I got into the scene around the end of the kote kei style. In my mind, the decline of the kote kei style is intertwined with the dissolution of the KEY PARTY label. But today I noticed something in the pages that I never put together before.
It seemed like KEY PARTY was one of the most successful indie labels by 1998. But fast forward to 2001 and they were struggling. A memorial live was held in 2005. What happened?
As best as I can tell, a lot of bands jumped ship around the same time. I first noticed this going through Kagrra,'s page, but I’ll make this easier to follow by going in chronological order.
Rapture is a band that was originally known as LSD. They disbanded twice - once in 1997 and once in 2000. They must have been one of the earliest bands signed to KEY PARTY.
NĂ©iL left KEY PARTY in 1999 and went major with NIPPON COLUMBIA.
La fẽerie left KEY PARTY in 1999 to do little else before disbanding.
Noi’X was one of the earliest KEY PARTY bands, forming in 1997 and disbanding by the beginning of 2000.
When they were known as CROW, Kagrra, left KEY PARTY in 2000 and joined PS Company.
Missalina Rei never left the label, but they did disband around 2000.
Another KEY PARTY associated band, Eliphas Levi, broke up around the end of 2000.
CROW/Kagrra,'s sister band, Lar~mia, left around 2001 as well.
Aliene Ma’riage disbands in the middle of 2001 too.
DEFLOWER/Noir fleurir hijacks Aliene’s last live to tell people they’re disbanding as well. They were always a part of KEY PARTY as far as I can tell.
SPEED-iD is the earliest band to form out of all of these, starting in 1992 and also ending…in 2001. They did have another run from 2005 to 2022, but we aren’t analyzing that section right now.
So what the hell happened? Why did almost every single band either leave the label, disband, or both by 2001? I find this so interesting. There’s a story here. Anyone got details?