I just got a new sound bar to complete my home theater system, and what better way to test it than blasting some of my favorite tunes?
And they sound glorious! But what if they could sound even better? That’s where spatial audio comes in. You probably recognize it by the brand name Dolby Atmos. Plenty of streaming services, like Apple Music and Tidal (but not Spotify!), offer music remastered in Dolby Atmos. Has anyone tried out any music in Atmos?
i’ve had tidal for a couple of months now, and withholding my numerous grievances about it, i have found the spatial audio to be awesome! i wish i knew of any visual kei or even regular j-rock options on the platform, but i most recently tried key’s pleasure shop and found that to be the most memorable + enjoyable so far. i am still exploring the options on the platform, so i will absolutely keep you updated
I don’t think I can achieve true spatial audio from a set of speakers while in an apartment.
Binaural recordings were mindblowing when I first heard them with a good set of headphones. Then went to a demonstration of speakers and placements showing of spatial audio, that shit scared tf outta me. Instead of seeking ghosts, it felt like hearing ghosts. They can provide sound placement I never knew possible.