Are your charts exponential or logarithmic?

Are your listening habits exponential or logarithmic?
  • Exponential (few artists way ahead)
  • Logarithmic (everyone is roughly equal)
  • Linear (somewhere in the middle)
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This one’s pretty simple. Here’s a visualization:

This would be an example of an exponential listening habit, courtesy of @wing.

Something linear courtesy of @Missa

And my charts, which are logarithmic and quite unusual

We limited it to the last year.

What’s yours?


It just looks good…

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like this, for the last 365 days:

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It seems for me it’s dependent on the volume of material for some bands

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I think that’s exponential

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I charted mine out in Excel:

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You tempt me greatly.

I’m waiting to find someone whose charts are as densely packed as mine.

What’s also pretty cool is that I calculated the trend line. So x is the rank the artist comes in for the year, and the answer y is an approximation of how many plays I should have racked up for them.

I took 30 as a good starting point.

-95.84ln(30)+394.17 is roughly 68.


Not a bad estimation! And the trend line is indeed just barely above the dot on my graph so it lines up.

Wish there was an easy way to clean up my metadata without paying for pro, some of my scrobbles are a mess :pensive: I think this would be considered Linear?

I never thought about it lol

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If not for my top two artists the logarithmic trend would be a really good fit.

Okay it’s not that different.

I think I like Buck-Tick


I guess it’s linear

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