[ARRIVED] One seven-string guitar

Including Retsu tapping? o.O?


Now it will! Where did you find those?

Got some updates for anyone interested.

After I got my Ibanez named after a Star Wars Battle Droid, one of my friends made a good point - it makes little sense to have a $1000 guitar and a $40 amp. So I traded in the Fender I got with my SG and got a Boss Katana V…and it sounds so much better.

Next is a pedal or two. I was thinking of getting a Klone but I’m interested in any other recommendations.

I’ve been messing with REAPER DAW for a bit and getting some alright results, but my trial is about to run out soon. I think I can integrate these into REAPER but I have to keep looking further.

I’ve actually completed an entire play through of DIMLIM’s Malformation (surprisingly easy) but I haven’t recorded anything. I also transposed the Missa version of 秒「」深 in Drop A - sounds really good! I might use my SG for experimenting with alternate tunings before moving it to the seven string.

I can’t actually embed MP3’s onto the site, so fix the link if you want to hear what I put together yesterday. And I spent approximately zero seconds in the post-processing phase so it’s kinda low.



In the future if you ever want to invest in a tube amp but the amp volume is making you a bit shy, I’d recommend looking into load boxes / attenuators. In case you’re not familiar, attenuators let you run your amp at full saturation while maintaining appropriate bedroom volume. Basically, you plug your amp into the attenuator / load box, and then plug the attenuator into your speaker cab so it can attenuate the signal going out to your cab.

I use the Boss Tube Amp Expander to gig, and it’s become my most important piece of equipment aside from my own guitar. I run a pretty big rig and I often find myself in small bars and clubs where a 100w amp and 4x12 cab are blatant overkill. With the addition of an attenuator, specifically the Boss TAE, I can use my amp as a monitor while also using the DI Out for FOH to eliminate the need for a microphone.


if interested in Klon this sound design tip is a great help for using those kind of pedals in low tunings like drop A~
Though its talk about Helix programming it all applies to any sound design ^v^~
EQ for really low guitar is a big game changer, lots of regular pedals will react really differently with the chuggachugga : P

Would stray away from going down the tube amp rabbit hole, will just burn a hole in your pocket, hurt your back/make travel harder, and now you have so many easier options with the same results for cheaper and in a compact format.