I was inspired by GreatNorthernVK’s live reports from her trip last year so I wanted to share my recent ones in return. I have never been great at remembering song names and have a notoriously bad memory so mine will be far less detailed, but I hope they will be interesting nonetheless.
So! My partner and I decided to go on a last minute trip to Tokyo from California last week, which conveniently happened to coincide with some special lives of my favorite bands. We got there the night before, and my plan was to go to Family Mart and pick up tickets for the 3 lives I (originally) planned to attend, but I was 1 hour too late to get the first one (they close ticket sales 24 hours before) and the 3rd one wasn’t showing up on the machine for some reason, so I was only able to pick up a ticket to Zera’s 5th anniversary live. No problem, I’m not expecting any of these lives to sell out.
Live #1: ZERA x XANVALA 2MAN 『XARA』@ Ikebukuro BlackHole
Zera is my favorite band, and XANVALA is another one of my top favorite bands, so this 2man was a dream concert for me. I ended up buying a ticket from someone off Twitter with an okay number, but I was also bringing two friends with me who were buying same day tickets, so I ended up going in with them towards the very end. I still ended up getting a good center spot with a great view of the stage because BlackHole isn’t very big.
Zera went on first. Because it had been so long since I’ve seen them (almost a year and a half), I was worried that I had built them up too much in my head, but as soon as Hisui came on stage and started singing, it was like falling in love with them all over again. Their songs have such a spooky and melodic sound combined with the hard guitar and drums perfect for headbanging that it just checks all of my boxes. Their outfits were the new ones from their upcoming single “Uncanny Valley” and they spent some time talking about the inspiration behind them. Hisui insists that he is not a sea urchin despite the copious amount of spikes, and is instead a bug eating plant called Nepenthes rafflesiana. Minagi is a butterfly and Ryu is a snake. The two support members (Kanta from DEVILOOF, and a Guitarist named KIRAN) were wearing all black / a ZERA hoodie. This was my first time seeing Zera since Aqui had retired earlier this year, so I’m unsure if KIRAN had played support for them before, but he was very smiley and engaged with the crowd a lot, which I found endearing. Kantaman was in the back being incredibly animated and silly as usual. Hisui’s costume is very grandiose and ornate, with a lot of plastic spikes and long flowy sleeves that create such cool movement during the show.
They played a bunch of my favorite songs, like Barmy Army, The Ship of Ice, Marionette Parade, Kakumei no Masquerade, This is xxx (they’re my favorite band for a reason ). As they were getting ready to start the last song, there was a long pause, and eventually Hisui and Minagi had to go back behind the drums because the computer wasn’t working correctly. During this time they forced Ryu to speak at the microphone to keep us occupied and he proceeded to struggle the entire time because he didn’t know what to say, haha. Eventually he decided to say something about how it had been 3 years since the last time they had a 2man with XANVALA, but Hisui and Minagi reappeared shortly after to save him. They ended up having to change the last song because of the computer mishap, but I don’t remember which song it was that they played instead of Parasite
It was a bummer because Parasite is their WoD song, and I was really looking forward to hearing it.
Between the sets I ran over to Zera’s merch booth and grabbed 2 Hisui cheki. I was trying to stay on a budget this trip, and I knew I would be buying more tomorrow. I pulled my 2 cheki and lo and behold, the second one was signed! Zera doesn’t sign many cheki in my experience and hearing from my fellow gya, so I feel incredibly blessed.
XANVALA came on next and they are just so much fun from start to finish. Their songs are also very headbang heavy like Zera’s, but their music has a bit more of a dancy/jazzy vibe in my opinion. Tatsumi is a great frontman, and very engaging with the audience. They played MY BLACK which is one of my favorite live songs from them. Towards the end, he invited Hisui onstage with him and they talked a bit, but most of the MC was Tatsumi trying not to get pricked by Hisui’s outfit, and Hisui pursuing him endlessly
Hisui stayed on stage for the next song, CREEPER, which has a Wall of Death in it. It’s nothing like the WoDs we have back home in the US, but it’s still really fun and involves a lot more bumping around into your fellow concert-goers than the typical furi I’ve encountered at lives (other than gyaku-dai). I find it entertaining because everyone diligently returns to their original spot afterwards, whereas in the US, many people use WoD and pits as an opportunity to move around to a different spot.
Clip of CREEPER featuring Hisui posted by XANVALA:
After XANVALA’s last song, the venue intercom informed us that there wouldn’t be an encore, and I rushed over to the merch table. The last 2 times I saw XANVALA I didn’t manage to buy any cheki because I didn’t figure out the reservation system, but this time I was prepared! I went up and showed them my reservation email and they gave me a little bag with my 2 preordered Tatsumi cheki inside. I also ended up buying 1 random XANVALA cheki because they had them available and I picked up a cool looking 70., which I apparently forgot to include in my photo.
Next will be Zera’s 5th Anniversary live