Can someone translate the song?

ありふれた日々の景色が 目の前で急に輝く 臆病な心を叩き続ける鼓動 すれ違いながら 近づいて 時にぶつかって 触れたもの 日溜まりによく似てる 優しい温もり 確かめよう この先に広がる未来を すべてが今 ここから始まる 泣いてもいい 傷ついても 何事も全部 どこかへ繋がる道の途中 溢れ出る想い 叶えるその日まで 胸を張って 高く遠くまで 舞い上がれ! 悔いや、迷いを 噛み締め、振り切り 同じ気持ちで 立ち向かうのなら 間違ってもいい 恐れず一歩踏み出そう全力で 必死に挑んで 大胆な 刻んだ痛みを 微笑みに 体の奥で熱く強く 弾ける情熱 感じてたい 絶え間なく流れる時代を ずっと 楽しむ今 大きく羽ばたこう もっと 信じるもの一つでも それだけで全部 きっと 何もかも上手くいく気がして 挫けそうな日も 諦めそうな日も 運命など 軽く飛び越え舞い上がれ! 言葉にならないほど 哀しく切ないほど 眩し過ぎる夢が… 一瞬さえ永遠だと感じたのなら 解き放つ怒りさえ美しい 愚かだと笑われても 一人じゃないから 命を燃やし尽くせ! 確かめよう この先に広がる未来を ずっと すべてが今 ここから始まる もっと 泣いてもいい 傷ついても 何事も全部 きっと どこかへ繋がる道の途中 溢れ出る想い 叶えるその日まで 胸を張って 高く遠くまで舞い上がれ!

Are we google translate???

Also put some effort into your post!!



unfortunately i am unable to read :sob:


you got the translation sent to you on reddit a day ago🤨


Try Alfa-Telefon :pray:

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Listen lovely, I love Zombieland Saga too, it’s my favourite anime, but you could just make a proper post, name the song, and put in a “please”

I also found out that you posted this several times on Reddit, and got sent the link to the Wikia before and that you completely ignored it.
Here is the Wikia with an English translation again: Beginning | Zombieland Saga Wiki | Fandom


Sorry if my post sounds rude, I really didn’t mean to. I ignored the answers on reddit because I never received any proper translation. And the translation on the site that you sent me is, to put it mildly, terrible :frowning:

What does it mean? sorry my english is not very good

I recommend to you Japanese classes, there a lot of FREE content to teach you on internet!

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Ok! Thanks! I would really like to start learning Japanese!

I’ll bite: if you can’t read Japanese, how do you know it’s terrible? Do you want something that sounds more poetic or fits the meter? I looked at the first three lines and it just seems like a standard semi-literal translation.


My dear, this is not how it works.

Instead of adding the absolutely minimum in here, a please would have been cool.
Or at least from what those lyrics even are.

Ein bitteschön wäre schön, oder eine Erklärung, dass du schon in anderen Seiten gefragt hast aber damit nicht zufrieden warst.

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Will you translate the text? No? FINE! I’m not forcing you. If you don’t want to, don’t! I need a quality translation. If you don’t want to translate, okay

U want quality then PAY IT! No one will give to u something for free with that behavior.


I don’t understand why you attacked me? I wrote what I think is normal. I didn’t write “translate the song for me,” I wrote “CAN SOMEONE translate the song.”
I repeat once again - if you are not going to translate the text, please pass by

I can appreciate wanting the translation of a song you love but this is honestly a pretty entitled way to act over not getting what you want :confused:


I sincerely want to know what quality means in this case. If the existing translation is at least accurate, could you rework it to your satisfaction?

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yes, I realized my mistake, please forgive me :frowning:

No one is attacking you. Your bad behavior goes far beyond the forum, you came from Reddit to ask for the same thing. Even though people are trying to help you, you don’t accept it.

You want the best translation and still think you have the right to ask for it. And you’ve been acting in an unfriendly way since the beginning of this thread. I recommend again that you take Japanese lessons or pay someone to translate the way you want. Goodbye!

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You had the time to ask the same things three times, but you didn’t had the time to say anything along the line off
“hey I this song, from Zombieland(?) and I can’t find a decent translation of it, could you help me out”
Would that have been too much effort?
I would have answered far differently then.