DAMNED new single “room.” release

DAMNED 4th single “room.” will be released at 2023/02/01.




This one is actually quite good, but they came out with a too much of a banger. Nothing quite compared to Veltro, so far.

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This was almost good, but seems like they take the DazzlingBad route, turning into a low-effort pile of “meh” after a strong start

By far their weakest release. Don’t they even hear that the clean vox in waves are completely off? It’s a shame 'coz the chorus lines ain’t that bad…

They’re not getting any better and it’s disappointing.

I’ve liked all their releases but maybe it’d be better for them to spend more time on songs rather than rapidly releasing them, because VELTRO was such a good song and showed they have potential but nothing they’ve released since has come close.

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