DazzlingBAD 1st Anniversary ONEMAN LIVE DVD release

It looks packed in there so they must be doing something right

Dazzling Bad are doing well for themselves. I don’t know where this idea that they’re not selling and they’re only popular amongst foreigners on twitter/tik tok came from. Like yeah they have a ton of netogya, but their attendance numbers are doing good too. I feel like they have at least 1/3 or half the crowd there for them when I’ve seen them at events (no idea about their Oneman numbers since I don’t like them and have never been to them).

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I also don’t understand why people think they don’t have local fans

I don’t really see them growing that fast anymore, because they usually play at bigger events and not on 3mans or 2mans that much.
(or maybe its normal?)
But if you even see the videos and of you take a good look on their SNS you notice their Japanese fans as well.

Also they have already 6 topics on Tanuki or so :joy:

As said before I still wonder where they will stand next year. If they don’t make too much mistakes of going on after the money and looking hot but also focus more on music (and that iT will sing more with his real voice), they can grow much bigger.

Sure they have a way bigger overseas fanbase. But their Japanese fanbase is big enough to held onemans in a while without losing money and they are one of the bands I guess other bamds love to invite to play at their events to get their halls full enough.

It’s hard to lose money if your fangirls are literally your atm :new_moon_with_face:

if your girls find new band to be the atm or just lose interest in playing it or lose all their money because of being it

Its still lots of work to keep a woman as your atm😎 Also fans fight with each other try hard you not being a fan anymore. So keeping fans can be hard too.

When I was younger I really believed that visual kei is about making music, but finally it’s just selling faces and personalities, as if they were idols. I’m a bit shocked that fans are understanding it but still give them money for what, for being their (financial) slaves? It’s sick.

Its how poison works :blush:

if bandman-sama doesn’t like you because you don’t play their ATM
 the best is to quit supporting them

Visual kei is going to be what you make of it. You don’t have to spend tons of money and become an atm if you don’t want. Unless you’re trying to buy some venue clout/become the alpha jouren or buy a bandman’s attention, there’s no need break open your wallet. Buy your tickets, buy the music, help the band out a little with merch sales, and call it a day. Bandman-sama doesn’t like you because you’re not spending hundreds of dollars on his cheki? Oh well. If you’re a fan of the music, that shouldn’t matter. You pay to watch the monkey dance, everything else is optional.


Fragment of the DVD:


DazzlingBAD 2nd anniversary ONEMAN LIVE “MAD BAD birthday”: