DazzlingBAD new look and live-limited single "Happy BIRTHDAY" release

DazzlingBAD will celebrate their 1st anniversary on 2022.02.23 with a free one-man at 池袋BlackHole, during this live they will release a live-limited single called “Happy BIRTHDAY”
(2 tracks, 1,200yen).

They also published a new look:



w00t, can’t wait. I think the bassist posted a pic of a mic for vocals and said he was recording that day and that he wanted it to be released as soon as possible, wonder if that means he’s gonna try doing some vocals as well?

01.happy BIRTHDAY


I haven’t been impressed with much of DazzlingBAD’s music and although it’s lacking refinement this has some nice ideas in it, it does sound like a demo rather than a complete track.
Vocals are subpar again but they have a fantastic look.


These harsh vocals give me nostalgia

I do like some melodies in the song, but as a whole it’s a bit difficult to digest for me. Might revisit it at a future time and see if it’s grown on me at all.

Wow, first time the vocals sound like they were recorded like they should be (to me, anyway).

Song sounds fun/decent too, I’m lowkey impressed!


I love it, both the song and the look. Watched the MV on repeat for like half an hour. I also agree that the vocals sound the best here, compared to their earlier records.

1st anniversary free one-man.
Free distribution for visitors only DEMO Single “sainte et salope” release


Huh so they are releasing two live limited singles at the Oneman on February 23?
Or is Happy Birthday an official release?

Two steps forward one step back with DazzlingBAD, I can’t say I like this style of VK but in terms of arrangement this is an interesting track, still marred by bad mixing and how much masking is used on the vocals.

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Happy Birthday is an official release

sainte et salope is also not planned for a future release.

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“sainte et salope” I can’t XD

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Track 03 starting at 1:50 is tiiiight

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