DEVIANT dr. Kyo left the band 2025.01.31

It got announced today that dr. Kyo left the band as of 2025.01.31.
There are no reasons explained, just the fact itself gets stated and the bands ask for a continued support in the future as well.

The tweet above links to this site where the following text is stated:



今後とも DEVIANTの応援を何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。

2025年1月31日 DEVIANT
メンバー 一同


Sad, wasn’t he like the main composer?

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I think so.

After Nao left last summer it became very quiet but then there was this live in January and I actually had thought that was a step towards more activity in the future but not to another member leaving.

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their vocaleusse had a moment when they dropped those 2 debut singles, too bad they couldn’t sustain it.

do we think they’ll pull out a dazzling bad, suddenly picking up pace by 7th single?

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I wanted to listen to their album ever since it was released but it wasn’t up anywhere to buy or stream, but finally found it on the usual place. Anyway, it has some bangers.

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