AI again damn


AI is kinda off but damn, For Me? It’s what i needed! Banger :heart:
And this something like Lorna Shore snort at 3:30. Yeah, I like it :heart:

To me it’s the best thing they released in the last couple of years


Almost makes me forget about Damn and Song for the Weak. Almost.

I need like six more of these and we got a banger album right there. It really sounds like they sat down and studied what made Purge, Oni, and Dystopia work. And Keisuke learned some new techniques! Disgusting.


with the participation of Asano Tadanobu

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Damn shit’s fire! that’s exactly what i needed from them, i really like how relentlessly hard it goes from start to finish. The MV really captured the dark aura of the song too! amazing work.

Wow this is wild. Much better sound then last year. Hopefully this band makes a comeback

Holy shit, this slaps

Not bad. That big label money getting them Asano right off of Shōgun winning so many awards and Asano even winning

The Devil in Oof

Okay, couple of seconds in and I don’t want to turn it off. New record for these guys.
They even open with clean guitars, god damn. 1 min of listenable stuff.
Intro was nice, ngl.
Pfffft, this not even heavy&hard. It’s awkwardly fun. Another machinegun as a drummer.
Want some fried pork?
Breakdown that breaks the song in a bad way, sure. There’s no flow, as usual.
The addition of female backvocals does help, tho.
My man, are you using lube for your throat afterwards? That’s too much of piq squeals and other extreme stuff, I’m worried.
Lmao what, it ends on a sudden pause?
Too long of a pause for this uninspired final beast out. Eh.

If they would write a song based on that 1st minute - then I would enjoy it more. Now tho? Same Devil, a bit less Oof.


There’s a hungarian saying that goes like “you need a lot of time for good works, and even more for bad ones”.
It’s just like the rest of their releases after the major debut, 0 melody, the guitar is wtf etc. Between 3:00 and 4:00 it sounded like an actual song but the rest is just…


I must be strange as everyone is praising it, I thought it was absolutely horrible, a real sh*t song. I feel bad for Asano for having to experience this even if he of course got paid for the gig… Just screaming without any melody isn’t working anymore, boys - you have done that enough already in so many other songs. You gotta come up with something better and more unique, its embarrassing that you are releasing so many weak songs after going major. I swear if a western band released this no one in the scene would really care. Simply because its too generic and boring. Just because they are japanese we shouldnt give them extra points.
If this was a random track on an album it would be fine but as a single, ugh. Imo another failure from them and I saw this as their last chance to hopefully get back on track, but they fked up again, just my opinion. I just feel that they have zero creativity left, creatively bankrupt. Damn, so damn weak :worried:


Looks like one of those uncomfortable family photos of a proud dad with his sons lol

Quite impressive PV with the monstrous Tadanobu Asano. However, the song is good but not extraordinary.

It sounds quite a bit like a purge era song, maybe we can expect a spiritual successor to it next. I hope they can get a new guitarist that can compose more interesting songs though.

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the thing though is, the fact that they have so few melodic parts in their song is exactly what makes them Deviloof, otherwise they would be literally just every other Visual Kei group. I mean when they released devilsproof everyone seemed to hated that too because it was too melodic. Like I feel the direction they currently take with the ridiculous focus on heavy makes the most sense for them. And they will be hated for whatever they do for always the reasoning of whatever the other side of the spectrum they aren’t on right now.

and seriously I start to slowly truly get invested in dead metal and I still never had like a song where I truly can say: “yes this definitely sparks creativity and is not just the 69th time of mental gymnastic and Noodling and edging their instruments.”
and it doesn’t bother me at all honestly


They used to be melodic/have choruses, dusky vision is an example (which also has nice brootal parts). I think most people who know about them would prefer that kind of music over this latest one.


Well… i rather think that the majority of their fans (including me haha) want them to mostly do just stupid heavy music in the most unhinged way because that’s where they truely shine imo :sweat_smile: