DEXCORE new album "WE WERE HERE" release

They do have some bangers, but if they weren’t a VK band we wouldn’t hear a lot more about them. That new song is a classic DEXCORE one like Still alive or Who’s fault?, nothing really revelant here, but it still works because those are objectively good songs played by cute guys wearing makeup. Musicaly, I think they’re outclassed by new bands like DAMNED.

And speaking about Ryo, I’m sure Knosis would be a prime band if they were considered as VK. Songs like that FUHAI ain’t that different than some by DEVILOOF. Just far better :clown_face:


Yep, totally the same feeling

I also found the song to be very generic. And I think I’m starting to get allergic to AI effects/rendations/graphics. Looks like shit like always.

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Knosis, Dexcore, and Deviloof run laps around Jiluka yet cuz jiluka looks pretty they get all the attention


agreed, although i wouldn’t put Deviloof in the same league as Knosis and DEXCORE. Deviloof is just as trash/probably worse than Jiluka

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It’s because in the West, metalcore/djentcore and that whole bubble are having a sort of renaissance that I believe began around the same time DEXCORE started blowing up. The visuals add to it, definitely, but I’d throw DEXCORE in with bands like Crystal Lake, Sable Hills, Graupel, etc. The only thing that sets them apart is their djent and deathcore influence

Please come to the US :sob::sob::sob:


I dont listen to a massive amount of Metalcore in general, do have a handful of albums by a few bands but not as into it as other more extreme stuff so i quite enjiy their sound. The compositions generally to me do feel quite interesting and there are defo some nice hooks to keep pulling you back so i will get the new album for sure. The only complaint with the last one is honestly, despite being a great amount of content for the cash, both discs feel like a bit of a slog to get through in one listen. Haha.


Don’t want to be mean or anything but saying that DAMNED outclasses DEXCORE musically is one of the worst takes I’ve seen around these forums, and I’ve been lurking for a while :clown_face:


they made a 180º from the sound they 『started』 with, while keeping kagami’s distinct vocals and way-better-than-average english lines… which tbh is miles better than everyone’s 2008 VK darling turning into rancid anime op-baiting trash act by 2011.01.01, lurching to get that major contract signed

I really don’t mind that they tend to reuse a formula for their songs based off how good their album and the maxi singles were so far. there’s always something different in the non-promotional tracks.


this is so accurate it hurts. i need an ambulance :frowning:

I agree about Kagami’s english vocals being pretty good! It’s not Engrish-y, plus his growls are nice. I do wish he sounded better live though.

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i feel like people who weren’t around in 2010s really haven’t seen the rock bottom this scene can reach like EXTRA fast so some of the recent comments here…???.. idk if we’re listening to same thing really

This would have been fire in 2007.

I think it’s pretty simple.

DEXCORE is one of the few new bands partially responsible for initiating a new audience (VK people) into the deathcore/metalcore scene, and I would argue that they’re the best band to do that out of what’s out there.

Because it’s new and fresh to a lot of people who like VK (but not to people who already like this kind of music), they’re held up as being amazing while people who are already familiar with the genre may not agree.

I’m one of them. I’m not generally into this kind of music, but I appreciate DEXCORE and the fact that they’re doing something new for VK, while sounding pretty good in the mean time.


It’s the literal embodiment of this meme:

Dexcore is standard, run-of-the-mill, “core” music 15 years late to the party. It’s popular here because it’s Japanese. But there’s another reason.

Just like Boomers, as we get older a lot of us start to lean on music and musical styles from when we were younger. I’m willing to bet there are a lot of people here who are well into their 30’s, maybe even 40’s, who grew up on this type of music and feel nostalgic listening to a band like Dexcore. I listen to old Bring Me the Horizon for the same reason.

It’s also why bands in the west like Greta van Fleet got big despite being a ripoff of musical styles from over 50 years ago. Boomers LOVE that shit. It appeals to nostalgia.

As a side note: Japan generally tends to adopt musical styles 5-10 years too late from the rest of the world. That’s just how it is. Take the Pillows, for example, who dropped a New Wave album in 1991 when New Wave was more or less out of fashion by the mid 80’s.


As a side note: Japan generally tends to adopt musical styles 5-10 years too late from the rest of the world.

You’re 100% right, it’s even more obvious in VK. But in the 2000-2010’s, they have accustomed us of innovating despite their musical backwardness. Nowadays, they’re simply ripping off the metalcore/deathcore scene for the sake of making br00tal music, but with a not really subtle addition of clean vocals because hey we’re a VK band. When they’re not ripping off themselves…

Bring me back some songs like EARTHWORM, DRAGOUT, or Red eye. When they’re at least trying.


This is why Dexcore died for me when Naoki left. I could feel some attempts at adding some VK touch. Since he left; it’s basic metalcore

This type of singing is common in metalcore/post-hardcore, I don’t hear a VK thing except in the vibrato style.

luw me some soyjak

Hate that this meme both looks like me and is sometimes how I operate…

To the point of discussion in the thread, I love the new song and love what this band does. I grew up mostly listening to VK Metal and eschewing English language metalcore bands for various reasons, but now find myself appreciating them more than what the VK scene is giving us - but these guys, I like. The melodies, the breakdowns, the vocals both clean and rough. It all just adds up to something I love.