I might be the only person who both loves TIW and thinks the production/mastering are perfect. Not “it’s bad but fits the vibe” perfect but just how I want albums to sound in general perfect. Everything is clear, well spaced, and fills the ears just right.
I do agree with people who have issues with both versions of Uroboros and Kisou and a lot of songs from those albums I go to live performances for. But I really just don’t see it with TIW. Suppose taste just plays a part in things you’d think are mostly universal.


I haven’t heard any fan remasterings of TIW, but I find it’s an album that definitely does not work on any form of headphones from my listening.
I’ve listened to it on my monitors and it’s significantly more clear and easy to pick most elements out.
On my monitors nothing drowns anything else out that I can hear, it’s pretty crisp, except for that sometimes it can be quite hard to differentiate between Kaoru and Die’s guitars.

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That’s part of the beauty of music to me. Universal truths don’t exist, it’s all art, if any of it was universal then music would be a bit more boring :slight_smile:

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