Watched The Final Days of Studio Coast Blu Ray this week. Some observations:

Kaoru is usually the most boring person on-stage. Serious, expressionless, and doesn’t move much. But it’s clear here how much he loves Sustain the untruth. On both nights, he’s clearly having a whale of a time during that song (and the whole encore really), even doing WoWoWoW motions with his mouth along with the dubsteppy wah pedal action.

It’s interesting that they acknowledge a connection between Fukai and Ochita by placing them back-to-back. The riffs are very similar.

Disappointingly, the set is almost the same for both nights. It would’ve worked much better if they’d switched out a few. For example, Aka for Followers, Hageshisa with Gaika, maybe Fukai with Wake, Saku with Beautiful Dirt, etc.
The band is at peak performance. Die’s vocals during CHILD PREY are strong. Everyone sounds great… but they’re not using their enormous discography to its fullest, and that kinda sucks.

Sajou no Uta was a surprise. This might be the best they’ve ever performed the song.

One question. During the breakdown of Ochita, there’s a filter over all the instruments except Kyo. To anyone who’s heard the song live, is this done on the soundboard, or is it post-production?


MADARANINGEN and DIR EN GREY went from producing their clothes in Japan to raising the prices and producing them in China where it’s cheaper for them. :roll_eyes:

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Sus Picious definitely didn’t aged well lol

Well now I’m just imagining Sid Vicious Amogus.


Props to their post-production/mastering team!

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Yeah they’re cool shows and quality is peak but totally agree it would’ve been nicer for more varied setlists. Get out more of those bangers. Haha

Yeah, they did a good job too.

The band has been solid live for the past few years. Haven’t heard anything as atrocious as the Ratio ducat, non fortuna debacle for ages. Kyo’s voice was so destroyed, I actually thought they’d have to break up after that. Thank goodness the surgery went well. They’ve sounded fantastic both when I’ve seen them live and on the Blu-rays since.


From what I know, Kyo never had surgery. I remember reading he was advised to have it, but didn’t…?

Hot take: I actually ADORE the Ratio ducat performance. Does Kyo sound like shit there? Yes, absolutely, he’s completely FRIED


I love it so much. Especially on Lotus, there’s a sort of desperation in his voice that just isn’t present when he’s having a good night.

He’s a zombie! Zombies aren’t supposed have healthy vocal cords, so he gets a pass.

First time I’ve seen Shinya actually playing the guitar.


たむたむ (or whoever the other guy is) sings a bit of Yokan at 12:05.

How good friends are gara and kyo?
It seems like they are best friends from what i understand?
Are they really that close?

Well Gara used to be DEG’s second roadie. So they’ve known each other for a long time.
Kyo was credited as musical advisor for MERRY releases in the past, and has also been featured on a sukekiyo song I think.
So yeah. How close they are is impossible to say, I guess they have the usual vkei senpai-kohai relationship.


part 2 of the PHALARIS tour is starting today
I wish I could say I was excited for the setlist, but we all know that there won’t be any surprises, right? Outside of maybe the May 5 fanclub anniversary live…

3 posts were split to a new topic: DIR EN GREY new live Blu-ray/DVD “25th Anniversary TOUR22 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________” and “PHALARIS” LP release

I would say RED…[em] is a nice surprise.


The noise I just made…even stu can’t bring me down



RED [em]? AMBER? Holy fuck. These setlists are wild.