Discuss Visual Kei & Jrock artists YouTube videos

Codomo Dragon doing some Home Shopping Networky stuff.

cute intro tho :smiley:


Yo I just realised that with question 40 at 7:55 “If you were born again, what would you like to be?”
He just answered without hesitating “imademo josei naritai ka na” aka “I still want to be a woman” or something along those lines.

I mean, I’ll keep saying he/him bc Hizaki still hasn’t come out officially as trans, but this answer really raises questions for me if I may say.
Hasn’t he said before that he “was born a man and lives a man” in another interview?

Sorry for bringing up this discussion again

I don’t know which interview where he said that or how the question was phrased. It make sense to say that though if he isn’t ready to come out. It also makes sense if the question was like “Do you live as man or as a woman?”

Either way I was happy when he said woman lol

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I’ve said it on the old site and I’ll say it again: he’s too pretty to have a cock. So precious

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Today codomo tubbies . Chamu likes pussy …cat

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Editor: Hoch much advertising should i add??
Nocturnal Bla: Yes
Also their guitarist to the left (i forgot his name) looks so hella bored on times

He’s probably thinking," I’m missing my shows for this?"

Shinya doesn’t like bread apparently. He wouldn’t survive a day where I live.


He is too pure for bread. Angelic sweet cupcakes like him survives on sunshine, love and kitten kisses


Shinya bought Nutella.

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Sciency stuff with Codomo Dragon. Yeah eat that bread dough boys.


men-men saying Yume-chan’s head thingie stinks

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Xanvala Tatsumi and Ari Kazuha cooking together is adorable and there are so many excellent moments of Kazuha clowning Tatsumi, who really doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing :joy:

10:58 terrified tatsumi learns about electric mixers
11:34 communication failure
12:39 he struggle
13:30 when a bandoman whispers in your ear :flushed:


I ship em :smiley:

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I found Midorikawa You’s (0.1g no Gosan) channel. He did a live cover with a former member of KAT-TUN.

Yume-chan being a freaking adorable kindergarten teacher while the rest of his bandmates question his sanity.

They are not VK
But i thought it still fits as videos from bands🤷

I was watching around on Graupels channel and i have to say, i absolutely appreciate the fact that they add English subtitles. :green_heart:


I enjoyed this becouse bass guitar is maybe my favorite instrument and boogie was playing on the forth string only and my ears are happy.

But after the cover I watched this and the sound that came from me was inhuman. The music choice is hilarious.


hmm mama like. Visual porn and ear porn <3