Favorite Kuso-Kei Bands?

I went more under the guise of band men who have persona of kusomen, not Kisaki.

I mean come to think of it if we were talking about actual kusomen we’d copy and paste the guys who got in trouble with the law and a tone who assaulted someone or stole equipment and sold it.

Thats exactly what it should be, so all over the thread name confused me from the beginning.

Oh, there is far more than that to be kusomen, yeah sure they will be listed too, but there are guys who behave like sh*t with their fans, mistreat mitsus, get girls pregnant and ghost them etc.

If we want those that got into trouble with the law we got eitherway an extra thread for it.


but bad singing doesn’t a kusomen make. i thought the term was for their personality, not music wise. a lot of guys in the scene don’t actually know how to sing, lol.
i thought this thread was about actual kusomen behavior. :sweat_smile:


Real kusomen are chic boy and kakumay


I guess we’re trying to fill both the shitty performance and behavior requirements lol

Lets get this straight kusomen is someone who views women as cattle, knocks up minors and spreads stds


Edited because some people take things way too seriously.

What did they do to earn this crown? :sweat_smile:

Vexent for having a rapist and chic boy for calling their bangyas meat urinals :stuck_out_tongue:
(Correction, i said kakumay instead of vexent earlier. Their newer band)

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say WHAT

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So the person was only in vexent or is still a kakumay menber? :eyes:

I remember when Dadaroma’s Yoshiatsu knocked a bangya up and told her to fuck off when she became pregnant. That story could be fake though.

Agree with Devil Kitty, if not for Yuuga’s antics then certainly for the fact that their guitarist Totto was a rapist (though he was thrown out of the band).

Oh, and let’s not forget Maria Cross.

Only vexent

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