ghost scribbles

Been wanting to do an illustration based on Everblue 2 ever since I played it earlier this year. I love the visual style of the game when you dive underwater.

The shape of the ocean/sand is meant to slightly resemble an Umbrella Octopus.


You have some psychedelic imagination :alien: Amazing lol

I think you could sell plenty of T-shirts with those illustrations! What format are those prints btw?

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Thank you! :blush:

You think so??? The prints are printed on heavy weight cardstock, European A4 size.

I see…
I don’t know how visible you will be on Redbubble or something like that but you could try. Or maybe you could make digital stock. If you’ve found your niche you’ll be good I think.

I’ve been thinking about this illustration since mid-october when my family took a trip to east Washington. Finally had some energy to do it.

*Asking for feedback!

I don’t usually add in cartoony looking elements in my illustrations. I thought I’d try experimenting a little this time by adding a bear cub. I’ve shown some people this drawing and the feedback is mixed.

My sister thought it looked like a monkey (which, fair it doesn’t quite look like a bear cub. I see jerry from Tom and Jerry myself).

I’m asking ya’ll for some honest feedback so I know if I should 1) Remove it entirely, or 2) Keep it but revise it. Don’t hold back! I’ll never know if you don’t say it. But, please be constructive.

Thank you!

Edit 2:
Bear lives no more


Cozy Season