Hello all

I suppose this is the next step after I finally caved and joined instead of just lurking :smiley:

I had the questionable hounour of being a teenager during the international Visual kei boom of the late 2000’s and VK was pretty much my whole life back then. I gradually lost touch with the scene around 2012 when most of my favourite bands had called it quits and trying to find new favourites among the new bands that popped up only to disband just as quickly simply didn’t feel worth the effort.

So I just kept listening to my old favourites and while I was doing that, life happened and I got old lol.

Lately life got a bit crappy so my brain figured an obsession was the way to deal with it and after seeing Kamijo on his recent European tour, decided that reviving an old one would do :smiley: I was pleasantly surprised to find the international scene was not, in fact, dead and even having a bit of a revival in a funny reversal of the 2010’s when many old and potential new VK fans switched to K-POP.

As to my favourites, I am the most embarrassing Kamijo fanatic you will likely ever have the misfortune of encountering. I would apologise but I kinda feel like that is mostly his fault. You know, for existing. I adore just about everything that man has ever done and I hope he never stops. (The temptation to title this introduction “Bonjour honey” is almost overwhelming, help)

I also absolutely love D’espairsRay and Buck-Tick (and despite not being at all connected to the scene last year the news about Sakurai hit like a ton of bricks and I have very much not come to terms with it). I have not listened to much else in the interviening years so I am currently in the process of figuring out which of my old favourites I have simply forgotten about and which I only “liked” because in the olds days it was customary to like as many bands as possible to prove your VK cred (or something) lol.

Ayabie deserves an honourable mention in any case since they were the first VK band I ever saw live and so many of my best (and worst lol) memories of those days involve them in some way or another.

Pleased to meet you all, I am sure you’ll see me around taking any and all excuses to fangirl over Kamijo :smiley:



Are u the + 30y team ? if yeah, welcome again :crazy_face:


Lol indeed I am. Seeing all these new bands I know nothing about makes me feel even older :sweat_smile:

Edit: @delkmiroph since I have no idea how this forum works lol

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Since i came back to vk world, it took a couple of months to know about all these new bands.

Is not complicated how works… but have fun!

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Thanks, I am sure I will. At least I have fewer names to go through now than I would have had actively following the scene since natural selection has already done it’s part lol.

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@Dorian what are you fav BUCK-TICK song(s)\albums? I also love BUCK-TICK alot!


Awesome, glad to meet you! They have so much amazing music that I don’t think I can pick just one. Sometimes I am in the mood for 80’s B-T, sometimes mid-90’s and so on :smiley: That said, 十三階は月光 and Six/Nine are the ones i find myself picking up most often if I don’t have anything particular in mind. Muma - the nightmare is definitely my favourite song and I am eternally grateful I got to hear it live once.

I should probably also confess that I have not listenend to the releases after Razzle Dazzle with any kind of consistency. Catching up has been on my very much ignored to do list for years but after Sakurai listening to them has a high likelihood of making me sad so I am still putting it off :sweat_smile:

What about you @Shiiiiichan ?


They do have lots of songs lol. I haven’t got around to listing to all them yet. I haven’t listed to six/nine yet, but I have listened to 十三階は月光 it’s so good :slight_smile:
Looks like we both have some BUCK-TICK to listen to.
My fav song would be… Black cherry, Jupiter, and brain, whisper, head, hate is noise. I am connected to Jupiter, and the MV; it lives in my soul.

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Oooh thank you for reminding me about Jupiter, I had to immediately go and listen to it even though it interrupted the very important task of listening to the new Kamijo song on repeat :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Six/Nine is a trip :smiley: I could not tell you why I like it so much either since most of the time I can’t even remember what songs are on it lol.