~ Hey everyone!

I got into J-Rock about 5 years ago, including the Visual Kei scene, but never delved further than a couple songs until recently.

I know some bands like ONE OK ROCK, MY FIRST STORY, ZIGZAG, BABYMETAL… Some friends suggested me VKEI bands like the GazettE, Versailles, Metronome, L’Arc-en-Ciel.

Yesterday I found out about this gem of a resource forum and well, here I am :slight_smile: Looking forward!



Dope bands you like there.
Zigzag are a VK band, by the way, so you had already one on your list :laughing:

Glad you found us, i hope you’re going to have fun on here

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MFS are awesome, but it’s no surprise since that entire family are musically inclined, Taka (ONE OK ROCK) is his older brother and their parents are singers.

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