is visual kei weird

is visual kei weird?
why is it so weird, of course, only answer this second question if the aforementioned first question is true.
I heard some visual kei band men like beer and other beverages.
That’s quite wack.
Thank You.


what’s even more wack is that vk bandmen are the #1 consumers of dihydrogen monoxide, and if you drink too much you go to hell before you die like mr. mario says on the tv


Does the sun rise in the east and set in the west?


Why do people always look from a Western perspective to try to understand the East?


This reads like a post-peer pressure or intervention moment. Did you experience a peer pressure or intervention moment before asking this question?

Gotta lubricate the pipes, man! What, when you’re at music events, you drink W A T E R?

I drink both. And vkei’s only as weird as you see it, so no and yes and everything in between.


I’ve personally experienced a lot of weird peer-pressure-y situations for my love of this scene and no one will engage me in conversation about it or even try to appreciate these artists, but to these people I’ve mostly always said the same thing “well, I’m forcing you to listen to it now.”


Water is life! (according the right thinking). :smirk:


absolutely. own it.


i heard tey wear cloths and makeup, messed up if true


Just look at them. No need to hear about it


Tbf most Japanese also think vkei is weird


Wow do I have news for about japanese people in general.


Beer is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide. If you are of age and don’t have religious reasons to abstain, it’s more likely to be considered ~whack~ for not drinking it.

I think this question needs to be examined through two separate lenses, Japanese and western ones. Because we here in the western world sometimes forget to consider the cultural context it developed and exists in and that is crucial to any assessment of weirdness.

So let’s tackle the western percpective first: Is vkei weird when viewed through the western cultural lenses? Yes obviously.

What about Japan then, is it weird there? Also yes.


Whats whack about drinking beer? Haha. Lots of people like beer, im drinking beer right now while listening to music so does that make me whack too? Sorry but thats a really dumb thing to say.

As for if V kei is weird… The bottom line is its subjective, I dont think V kei is weird, thr music is varied, theres something almost everyone will like in there and its generally pretty artistic so if youre a person who likes stront visuals and abstract themes presented through music and video its kinda cool but not everyone is like that so they will think its weird.

When i was in Japan last i bought a load of Vkei CDs and went to a metal bar later and the barman was interested in the albums id bought and just kinda said “why do you listen to this music? V Kei is for girls” so seems at least to some Japanese metal fans V kei is weird, backing that up i saw at max 5 other males at V kei shows that i got to attend, and thats between 2 gigs. Haha.


Music has always had this sort of strange social element to it where if you don’t listen to what’s popular you’re seen as weird or something. Sometimes even pop artists (take a guy who likes Taylor Swift or JB). When others ask me what I listen to I just say ‘Rock’ because well, I do love rock of all kinds lol. Most folk where I live don’t even listen to rock music, but that’s okay.

Normalize weirdness enough and it becomes the new normal. Take K-pop for example; it may not be as strange as VK but it similarly features plenty of androgynous male groups performing in a language that’s unfamiliar to most of us in Western countries w/ choreo that would make 90s boybands’ jaws drops. The rampant idol worship among many kpop ‘stans’ as well is pretty weird.

I’ve also thought things like dating apps, parasocial relationships and influencer culture were incredibly strange, and those have been very normalized to hell in recent years. :x Like everyone my age or younger is on their smartphone 95% of the time… which would have been looked at as some kind of bizarre obsession decades ago. But all of that is obvious. :stuck_out_tongue:

When it comes to music who cares what’s weird? Just enjoy what you like. If others don’t appreciate it at least you can be proud that you do. To me VK is like a box of hidden treasure and I can’t even imagine being without it.


To be completely honest, if K-pop didn’t take over Visual Kei would be in place for that.

You used to be able to buy Malice Mizer stickers, pens, notebooks, schedule books and such in the idol section with Johnny’s merch. I grew up being able to buy La Chryma Christi, Pierrot, Dir en Grey, Glay, & Laruku merch in the idol section too.



man this gave me a good laugh, I don’t know why

never change, guys