J-Rock and Visual Kei Magazines

Hello and if this has been mentioned here let me know ok. I want to know what current J-Rock and VK magazines are there right now? I remember back in the 00s and 10s getting Shoxx, Fool’s Mate, Cure etc. and obviously those aren’t around anymore the same goes for the GLB Bibles. Can someone let me know what is going out there now? I just hope J-Rock is still going somewhat strong as it was back then it may have died off a bit but let me know alright thanks.

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One that i know is ROCK AND READ on nowadays


Rock and Read has digital editions if you have a Japanese Kindle account. The digital versions do not drop immediately though, usually they become available by the time the next volume releases.

The last few years of Cure magazines are also available via Kindle Unlimited, again you’ll need a Japanese Amazon account but it’s not that hard to set up. They stopped publishing the mag and have moved to a digital platform where you can pay a few dollars for their interview content.

Vif is a free website that posts news, live reports, and interviews. This website usually does 1 interview a month but they’ve been around since 2010 so they have a decent archive!

Club Zy. is also still going strong. For about 500 yen a month you get access to exclusive interviews.

VK in print media has died down A LOT but that has been true for print media on the whole. Artists have also expanded the way they promote and many have youtube channels where they host Q&As (Zero[HZ], 0.1gnogosan, Gravity come to mind)

I also want to shout out Tatsurou (MUCC) and Danchou’s (NoGoD) music talk and interview show on Youtube called Ijikuri Rocks!

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