joppin:cal new single "ないないアンブレラ" (Nainai Umbrella) release

Single will be released on the 3rd August.
I wonder if they will release the single to their spotify too :thinking:

Also it looks like they took care that their merchandise can be bought from oversea too, in the beginning of the year
(i am a bit slow with that, my apologizes )

Let me add something about the band itself, the band consists of 3 members
Bass/Vocals: ryo (m:a.ture, ex-Serial Number)
Guitar/Vocals: Wajow (the Gallo, m:a.ture)
Drums: MaNa
They were formed 2016 and have changed their drummer since then. Their original drummer MiMi took over vocals too, in their first album you can find songs that were sung by her too. She left the band in 2019 and the band worked with support drummer (Kaede from the Gallo drummed for them, or Shoma who drums support for Lay about World too) till their current drummer MaNa joined.
Their bandname joppin:cal comes from the japanese word for “to lock” in hokkaido dialect, as ryo and Wajow both originate from there, also its the reason you can find them using locks and keys in their bandmerch etc.


Not sure what it’s going to be, but there will be a live streaming for subscribers to their channel, today.

Sneak peek: they tell me that new single will be available digital soon!

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