Fully agree on the anime cover lol. Otherwise I don’t think it is stylistically any different from his other covers. They usually feature him with the look associated with the release + title. It just feels different with Violet Dawn because the current style is very contemporary compared to the more historically inspired looks of the previous releases.
Now admittedly the previous looks make for more detailed cover designs but personally I really like the design on the reguar and limited. The box design I am less fond of because the background is a little too… disorganized? But I will reserve final judgement for when I finally get my paws on it
I love that it really sounds 100% pure Kamijo - some really catchy stuff in those previews. This is one of the few solo acts in the jrock/vk scene that doesnt feel generic or straight out sucks.
This is good stuff boys, support him financially if you can! I already put my order
But I agree, everything here sounds really good. It sounds like him but also different enough to not be repetetive. Based on the previews the songs have nice variety as well.
I might use this as an excuse to order the other limited edition as well lol.