Hey all,
I feel weird writing about myself, but here goes.
I’ve been listening to J-rock since I was a kid (went to a Japanese school for 2yrs when I was little), but haven’t engaged with fan communities. I’m shyer than I first appear, haha.
I’m originally from Oceania, but have worked around the world. I’m recovering from an accident and only recently got the “OK” to fly again. I’m in Japan this month before heading back to Korea, and I’m hoping to make the most of it, attend some live gigs, visit cool places, and connect with community.
I have very broad music taste (“I like everything but country, and even then I’ll make exceptions”) and I listen to about 150-450 new releases a week for work, so I’m notorious for playlist shuffle roulette.
My first show is this weekend and I’m petrified.
Thanks for having me here. I hope I can contribute well~