Longest held notes/screams in J-Rock

This topic is inspired by the scream at the end of this song, which lasts for a blistering 28 seconds.

It got me wondering if there are any tracks in visual kei where there is an exceptionally long held note or scream. Here are some I can think of:

Mio lets out a 10 second scream at the end.

NOBU lets out a 15 second guttural

Akane lets out two long screams around 1:26 to 1:34 and then 1:37 to 1:46. Then another one at the end from 4:30 to 4:36.

Anyone got any others?


In VK there is no one who could beat Sho in Vanitas by Dimlim in this competition

Scream starts at 2:31 and ends around 2:52. It is around 20 seconds


LOL i was just about to post this exact thing

Heres one of my personal favorite screaming vocalist’s just cuz of how unique and hard his screams are in a lot of his songs. This scream is about 10 seconds long. For this one the scream is 3:32 - 3:42. I also threw in a bonus below. :

The scream is at the very end its about 8 seconds long for the video below:


i absolutely adored this band, the singer’s voice was so wild to me!


Hinatas elevating banshee scream at 4:01 lasts for like 16 secs

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