Hi All,
I am try to give all the line up bands from the Kansai Rock Summit a listen but there are these two bands I can’t really find much about. They are probably very new but maybe some of you happen to know them or can point me to where to look for getting a physical copy, if they already have released anything.(Edit: of course only legal sources. I want to get to know them to support them, not to pirate the stuff of a small band).
I’d be also happy if some just knows member names or anything at all
All I got are their logo/name from the flyer:
Reverse search with google lense did not bring up anything of substanze.
But for 斜R -シャル- I could find a twitter account that must be the bands account:
According to that account their first live will be held at January 9th. So further evidence they are pretty new.
For 深淵 I found nothing. Do I have the correct kanji? looks correct to me.
I know, since the reason is probably them being very new, there is not much hope to find music of them online but I just wanted to give it a try here.