Looking for two a bit obscure bands: 斜R -シャル- and 深淵

Hi All,

I am try to give all the line up bands from the Kansai Rock Summit a listen but there are these two bands I can’t really find much about. They are probably very new but maybe some of you happen to know them or can point me to where to look for getting a physical copy, if they already have released anything.(Edit: of course only legal sources. I want to get to know them to support them, not to pirate the stuff of a small band).

I’d be also happy if some just knows member names or anything at all :joy:

All I got are their logo/name from the flyer:


Reverse search with google lense did not bring up anything of substanze.

But for 斜R -シャル- I could find a twitter account that must be the bands account:


According to that account their first live will be held at January 9th. So further evidence they are pretty new.

For 深淵 I found nothing. Do I have the correct kanji? :thinking: looks correct to me.

I know, since the reason is probably them being very new, there is not much hope to find music of them online but I just wanted to give it a try here.

Hello, the support section isn’t a place for requesting music files as JROCK ONE is piracy-free. If you’re looking for where to buy their music legally, then it’s fine. Otherwise, we will have to remove this thread. Thanks for your understanding.

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I am not looking for files. Just if anyone has even heard of them or knows if they use any legal platform or have any accounts or official webside. Physical buying link would also be fine :slight_smile:

Just want to see if there is any chance to hear something of them. As they are seemingly new I want to give them as much of a chance as I gove the other bands. Maybe I just have to try to see them at the summit for that.

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