MAMA. 2nd EP “NOPE.” will be released at 2024/07/04.
Bold title. Makes me think itll be cancelled and never come out. Haha.
My body is ready
What an awkward hodge-podge of a song. Not a fan of this one, but cautiously looking forward to the EP nonetheless!
New look release
Vo Mei
Bass Mana
Guitar Jimmy
Guitar Kagome
Dr Ren
I feel like someone forgot to tell the camera man to hit the focus when taking there full pic cause it’s so blurry! I checked Mama official and all the members post
2024.07.04 NEW RELEASE「NOPE.」
1.Oh my god!!!
Like anything that they have done since leaving Bloom
Love the music, dislike the baby yoda cover art
Base off Instagram stories it looks like they work and record music on there off days which is very limited given how much they do one man lives or tours. I think if they would schedule there relases a bit farther out given they where working on NOPE until the very last day it might make there music a little better.
This was an okay-ish mini I guess! A bit of a mediocre letdown after the album that showed lots of potential, but was kinda dragged down by sub-par production. Here the production/sound seems to be there, but the actual songs are a bit flavorless, heh…
Still, I’m rooting for them in this new ‘independent era’ after leaving Bloom.
I feel like I would’ve enjoyed NOPE. a little more if it was a 4 minute song instead of 6.
Yeah, would have been a perfect point to cut it off around the 4-min mark, haha.
As it is, it’s just kinda fine but monotonous.
(Also I gotta say, what a wasted opportunity not to put MARIA on this EP. It’s like their catchiest song in recent years, plus it would have fit the style of the release imo!)
Is that a gun he’s pointing at his face?!
Yes and that’s also bob wire on top of his hoodie