MERRY new Blu-ray+DVD: “5 Sheep Last Tour【FINAL】 Soshite, tōi Yume no Mata Yume 2020.09.19 Hibiya Yagai Daiongakudo”

MERRY (メリー) will release a new live Blu-ray+DVD, 5 Sheep Last Tour【FINAL】 Soshite, tōi Yume no Mata Yume 2020.09.19 Hibiya Yagai Daiongakudo in multiple types on February 10th via GALAXY BROAD SHOP. The MEMBERS CLUB CORE limited version is only available to members of said fanclub in 2 Blu-ray discs, and includes a documentary of the tour and multiple angle performances, plus a CD recording of the performance. There are also two regular editions of the release in Blu-ray and DVD, respectively.

The tour final was taped at Hibuya Open-Air Concert Hall on September 19, where guitarist Kenichi held his last live after almost 20 years with the band. The live was first broadcast on streaming service ZAIKO earlier last November.

[live setlist]
1.Happy life -reprise-
2. 群青
3. オリエンタルBLサーカス
4. 迷彩ノ紳士
5. sheeple Living Dead Remix
6. 平日の女
7. 傘と雨
8. 路地裏哀歌
9. 高層ビルの上でラストダンス
10. 【人間曲芸坐】
11. ハーメルン
12. F.J.P
13. ジャパニーズモダニスト
14. 千代田線デモクラシー
15. エムオロギー
16. 首吊りロンド
17. さよなら雨
18. バイオレットハレンチ
19. T.O.P
20. そして、遠い夢のまた夢
21. Happy life -reprise-


What a great setlist.

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Cover jackets

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They are so underrated it’s crazy

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