Furthermore R.I.T and Visual-kei Night are also thinking about doing a London date on February 26th! If you’re interested and can go, let them know here: https://www.instagram.com/p/DEQssCZPiPs/
So the tour would be:
02.26 - London, UK
02.28 - Paris, France
03.01 - Murcia, Spain
Yeah, those were the prices back then. But nowadays everything is more expensive, concert tickets included, Japanese acts or not It’s very rare to see tickets under 45€ for bands now, when 20/25/30 was the norm.
Is it though? I’m constantly buying tickets for middle sized artists for unter 35 Euro, even non-domestic artists.
Considering they cut the cost from 5 members to one person and maybe a karaoke machine and one staff, this is still hella overpriced.
I didn’t say it wasn’t overpriced, it sure is. But prices have DEFINITVELY gone up.
My two last vkei concerts were KAMIJO and DIR EN GREY in Paris, respectively for 45 and 56€. These are NOT the prices I paid in the 2000/10’s. I saw Versailles for less than 40€ multiple times lmao
2 day ticket for Dir en grey in Berlin was 86 Euro = 43 for one day. JILUKA and Zeke deux were both under/around 30 Euro, I think.
And yes, prices have generally gone up, but by cutting traveling costs by 80% or even more, I’d assume they shouldn’t go up way more. A vocalist charging more than Dir en grey (who surely bring a lot of staff) is insane.
The state of this one, he’s flying down to do karaoke without the instruments and the lot, isn’t he? Maybe if you get to chat him up for about two hours it’s fine, but if he’ll just do the hits for an hour over a CD blaring from the PA before bolting out of the stage back to the hotel, this is sad
JILUKA was 44 in Paris, and as I stated DEG was more expensive in Paris, so there’s probably a question of location as well.
But while of course there’s still exceptions (and thanks god) my point is that touring agencies are charging more and more as years go by, and that’s just a fact. A shitty, unfair one, but still a fact.
I do think they should have charged like 20€ for that one, but it is what it is. I’d rather have a few vkei concerts here even if overpriced than none at all because touring agencies don’t want to lose money.