I just read about this on his Instagram, the album is physical only for a while, and will reach streaming on sometime in summer
That song… man if this guy ever had a peak in his career it’s over. It’s dead.
I like to defend artists here and try to look positiv on new releases but it’s just really bad. Especially compared to a lot of cool and creative stuff he did. This is so disappointingly shallow and generic. I want to like his stuff but uhhhh.
Hard to be a Miyavi fan in 2024…
That I eat eat eat sounds like some shitty kpop song.
I think Swedish and French producers did
I think he mailnly worked with a Swedish or French producer from beginning to mid 2010s iirc. It’s mostly the issue that he doesn’t write/produce his own stuff anymore, so it doesn’t sound like him. It’s French, Swedish, American,… producers and songwriters. You can barely call him an artist anymore, he writes music/lyrics, but he only contributes to what is a common project of a dozen of people.
Some examples from the credits:
MIYAVI (2013):
Producer – Dean Gillard (tracks: 1 to 4, 6 to 8), Matt Ward (tracks: 1 to 4, 6 to 8), Oscar Holter (tracks: 11), The Lowbrows (tracks: 1 to 9, 11), Yuksek (tracks: 5, 10)
Producer [Vocals], Backing Vocals – Dan Priddy
Programmed By, Keyboards – Dean Gillard, Matt Ward
Recorded By – Dan Priddy, Joe Standen, Matt Ward, Seiji Sekine
The Others (2015):
Producer – Drew Ramsey*, Shannon Sanders, Miyavi*
Recorded By, Engineer – Chris Rakestraw, Erik Jahner*, Greg “G-Roni” Fuqua*, Matt Faulkner, Matt Hyde, Matt Mcvaney
Vocals, Guitar – Miyavi*
Written-By – Drew Ramsey* (tracks: 1 to 7, 9, 10), Denki Groove (tracks: 11), Leo Imai (tracks: 1 to 4, 6, 9), Rob Harvey* (tracks: 8), Shannon Sanders (tracks: 1 to 7, 9, 10), Miyavi* (tracks: 1 to 10)
Fire bird (2016):
Co-producer – Jonny Litten
Written-By – Lenny Skolnik, Tom Leonard (3), MIYAVI*
Written-By – Jonny Litten, Lenny Skolnik, Seann Bowe, MIYAVI*
Written-By – Adam Kapit, Ilan Kidron, Lenny Skolnik, Mereki Beach, MIYAVI*
(Some examples from songs)
No sleep till Tokyo (2019):
Written-By – JUN, Lenard Skolnik*, Max Matluck, Seann Bowe, Tido (3), MIYAVI*
(5 people for one song besides him!!)
Also, who are all these people??? If you click on some random names, they usually produce Trance music (like Armin van Buuren) and other EDM/dance stuff or stuff like BTS. Of course his music will have that “generic stamp” on it.
OH LMAO I completely forgot there was someone else beside Leo Skolnik (Lenny? Lenard? what the fuck lol) because I completely erased those horrific albums out of my memory
there were two more shit albums, holy nights and imaginary, also largely produced by skolnik (under yung spielburg alias) which are perf in line with his previous producing:
yet he somehow managed to produce this in 2021 which sounds several tiers less cringey than visual kei has been vomit from the thread subject:
I loved ayumi remixes by buuren and the other dutch bloke she sometimes collaborated with (terminal is legit a jpop standout), but miyavi has truly reached the point of literally releasing non-stop sound excrement at this point no matter the producing team, it’s unreal
lmao I remember WTF-ing to one of his recent singles that made Nicki Minaj look like a literary genius only to scroll further and see the lyrical credits list… good times
I think they hired a writers camp for convenience purposes alone, because he bragged that miyavizm took three weeks to record and complete, and his current swill can’t take more than that in production
i feel like either his first albums were entirely written by someone else (Pata from X-Jpn who did support for him at the time?) or somehow in between he had a stroke and his creativity just died at that, but at least it made me appreciate the last rockstars more now
I don’t think the general problem is getting in touch with people (from other genres) and involving them in your album/songs. It’s completely fine to hire a YUKSEK for DAY 1 (which I think was pretty decent), may it be an album or single to achieve a certain sound or evolve. Sure, invite an MC as a hype man on your new album, or a painter, or TeddyLoid, completely fine.
His issue is, that he has these huge teams constantly putting 3 spices each in his cooking pan. That will make your soup not taste like potato soup or enhanced potato soup, but just like a soup which tastes like 15 spices at all and you can’t decipher any of the spices anymore.
This iz the japanese kabuki rock was also collaborative and he had several people involved, but in the core he was responsible for the output. That’s also reflected in the album credits. There’s less people involved in the whole Kabuki rock album than for any of his latest songs.
“Mastered By – UE Nastasi
Mixed By – Yoshiaki Onishi (tracks: 3)
Producer, Arranged By – Masahide Sakuma (tracks: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), m.c.A·T (tracks: 4), 雅-miyavi-*
Recorded By – Noriki Inada (tracks: 3), Satoshi Kumasaka (tracks: 3)
Recorded By, Mixed By – Masahiko Sato (2) (tracks: 1, 4), Noriyuki Kisou (tracks: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
Vocals, Chorus, Voice, Percussion, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Sitar [Electric], Guitar [Dobro], Bells, Tambourine, Drums [Gigpig] – 雅-miyavi-*”
oh… I had no idea he was involved but it explains why that release, cheesy as it was, still was passable
(sakuma died in january 2014 following a battle with cancer, and his last major work was a glay album from 2010; apparently he also recorded something on the miyavi and sugizo single - allegedly self-produced by MYV since he still was on PsC - which was the last time I stanned his music for like a good year.)
it’s a problem with all contemporary pop music, everything past 2012 sounds cookie cutter and lacking personality with an exception of handful legacy acts who still largely write their stuff alone like kylie for example, but in case with myv it feels like his management can’t afford the top end producing, so whatever he gets to collab with ends up like… this… I hope it pays the bills for babby Skyler’s preschool.
I know Lenny Skolnik’s cousin he was my attorney at work for a while and I was like hmm that name sounds familiar and I asked him if they were related - they are and he was surprised anyone knew who his cousin was because “no one pays attention to the producers!”
I do. I do.
Well… that’s exactly what he is going for. So, mission accomplished, I guess
Basically Miyavi dont like to work with japanese producers.
Honnestly? I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I really enjoyed the latest single! I was definitively afraid, given his latest work + the fact that it’s for an anime, but yeah. The instrumental b-sides was also nice.
If he makes anisongs and gets some good money behind him at Bandai then it might be worth listening to again. It worked for Aimer, LiSA, milet, etc. It turned Hiroyuki Sawano into a megastar. If MYV can get on a Gundam movie with him or something it could be something great.
bold of you to assume he still cares about music
Has he released any real banger in the last couple of years?
Yes. This BANGER featuring DAOKO.
(But I would argue that it is more an daoko song than an miyavi song)
If you ever felt you needed Miyavi to remind you to stay hydrated. This is for you:
End of career
It has to appear somewhere, no matter where or how. The bills need to be paid, like a good family man.