new band "CHAQLA" has formed


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This and The Last Rockstars are the only songs that have managed to get stuck in my head lately for what it’s worth.

This is pretty cool and unique. Like the concept too, hopefully there’s potential

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Perhaps my cynicism is showing, but I was immediately more interested when CHAQLA didn’t immediately erupt into a heavy riff right after the intro. Imagine the shock on my face when they don’t abandon the motif 90 seconds in. And the visuals actually match with the concept? That breakdown is absolutely wicked, not quite sure if it fits but it definitely contains all of the energy that was building up. If they can keep this up they can go places.


There’s a store, just cheki right now.

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They’re claiming this was a hack.

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Wow what a refreshing sound. I’m interested for the future of this band. Lol that breakdown was funny and random I love it.

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I can’t wait for the crazy tye dye merch and all seeing eyes and Buddhist prayer hands symbolism on merch.

ANNIE’s cheki sold out already so that’s a good sign.

I didn’t know they’re signed to the heavy hitters MAVERICK DC.

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this is like Rakugaki to its extreme seasoned with some 88kasyo junrei and the forcefull unnecessary heavy parts typical in Visual Kei. It is just perfect.
Also one of the best working rap parts in Visual Kei since years.