their double-debut songs were fresh and very interesting, but I don’t see why they’re still going on if it’s going to be like that now.
Ehh they are a gazette clone a bit. Gotta throw in some other things. I personally like the track.
I don’t get it, why is everybody freaking out about Elon Musk? I’m sorry I’m just not in the loop of American people stuff. I been on Twitter and tbh, since Elon bought it, I don’t really notice any changes besides paid verification ┐(´ー`)┌
I don’t think we should escalate the topic here too much, but for example Musk had suspended accounts from a lot of different journalists who have talked about him. He planned once even to blacklist every link to other social medias like facebook or Mastodon even sites like link.tree got planned to get forbidden and the users using those links nonetheless to get suspended as well.
so well, chaos is always on twitter but now chaos is even on the executive floor
Holy shit. Welp, I guess in the future I’ll have to make like the majority of my subcultured friends and main on Insta instead lol
Well, I used to work as a journalist for some time and what I can tell most of them are under the level of human waste so it’s not that a big loss.
Yeh, I heard a lot of them either work for clickbait so they get paid or to push an agenda. Like the journalist who wrote a whole article complaining about how offended they are about asian households telling you to take off your shoes in the house or the journalists that write about literally any normal daily life thing a celebrity does like a creepy stalker just to name a few (;;;・_・)
can we talk about the female gazette now?
Of course! Sorry about this tangent
2 posts were split to a new topic: DEVIANT upcoming 1st album
I knew this was a guy from the first second I saw and heard him, I don’t understand how people could have been confused