[NSFW] What is going on with MiA?

Have any of you guys been up to date with MiA? I think he’s starting to loose it.

List of things he has done recently:
-Got a chip implanted in arm to “play guitar faster” (he’s already a fast player)
-Got a cross tattoo on forehead (nothing against face tats just why?)
-Got his nipples removed(?)
-Got his bones removed to make a guitar
-Posted a picture on IG with his bone in his mouth.

Am I missing anything?


This is called a midlife crisis.


idk but it’s disgusting, unhinged and fucked up, and i do not like it

i have never followerd mejibray or this man in any capacity, however this is my reaction to this mess

i really don’t know what else there is to say to what this man is doing with his life & body. we all have choices and these are the choices that this man decided to make.


God, I didn’t know any of this. I’ve seen his Twitter account (videos and images) and I’m scared…


mental illness at its finest


I’m still confused about the removal of the nipples, because he (supposedly?) got it done back in early August (or at least that’s when he posted about it on twitter) but in this twitter post (posted in early September) you can see a nipple? Idk, why use old photos if you’re talking about today’s workout?
Also, I’m fine with blood and whatnot but this post gave even me the ick. Please don’t put those bones in your mouth, even if they’re yours (has he said how/where in his guitar he’s gonna put them?)


No he didn’t
:neutral_face: he recently tweeted how he started to wonder if he shouldn’t eat the bones :neutral_face:

Here is the tweet

He seems to do that on a frequent. :person_shrugging:


They still seemed to have tissue on them, so the answer is a definite no. Even after getting them cleaned it would be really weird to eat them, but at least they’d be less of a health hazard…

Well I guess I have to keep checking in on his twitter every once in a while to see a possible new pic, although this post is less than 24h old and he’s wearing pasties, so at least there’s some continuity…

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threads like this and the Koichi one make me so fucking proud of Tsuzuku/Genki and where he’s at now. And people thought he was the crazy one…how wrong they were

Crazy to see how much things can change in 6 years.



he recently tweeted how he started to wonder if he shouldn’t eat the bones


Deliriousness from painkillers and hunger/iron deficiency?

But yeah, someone needs to get him mentally checked out and the people surrounding him need to stop encouraging this.


Oh yes, and also

  • Revealed that he has an ex-boyfriend, but that he also likes to shoot either his own arm, or the boyfriend’s arm with pellet guns when he gets mad?
  • Cutting his hand open on a suit of armour in his apartment to paint it with his blood
  • Joking about wanting to transcend humanity and use his microchips to become a humanoid being that will have a second and third generation MiA after he’s gone (which he will pass the bone guitar down to).
  • Telling his followers that he’ll spill his secrets of losing 10 kg a month if 10,000 people like his tweet.
  • Talking about how even after his recent procedures, he still wants to “correct every imperfection”

Is any of this shit real or has he just continuously made insane tweets one after the other, each crazier than the last?


bro you’ve been missing out :rofl:


What’s also terrifying is how many of his friends and fans are encouraging him to do that… giving him basically “you are indeed above human beings! You are so cool! So valid! Keep going, quween prince uwu”

I always knew the VK scene and fandom attracts some cultish and crazy people… but holy shit. This man destroys himself on social media for everyone to see and they derive some sick pleasure of it…


I recognize some of these people from Noctis Zang’s feed when they defend him from trolls…prayers for those poor brainwashed fangirls.


it’s meth. don’t waste RTs.


That would explain a lot…

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damn is he dealing with some bad mental health issue that isnt being treated? I know the Japanese don’t exactly pronounce mental health as publicly as we do in the west but he needs some deep help. Either that or hes gotten into some bad drugs like meth and its messing him up.


attention seeking characters acting out when they arent getting the attention they want


I heard that he already or is planning on getting his jaw bone shaved. He also mentioned something about V-line formation, whatever that may entail. I’m starting to get really concerned for his well-being, I fear he might one day get a modification done to him that just endangers him or something lol. I hope he’s alright at least