[NSFW] What is going on with MiA?

How far is it from auto cannibalism to regular cannibalism? Is he just that obsessed with himself or is there more to worry about? :neutral_face: (edit: just kidding!)

(Yes, I see the irony regarding my user name…)

The fact that people believe any of this shit is still mind-blowing to me. People are still saying he removed his nipples as though he hasn’t used tape and strategically placed angles to hide his nipples ever since his alleged surgery. Do people literally have no working neurons left in their brains? Why can’t anybody see that this is just a ploy for attention and that nothing he’s writing is even real?


To be honest I was just joking… and I was considering putting that into my post … why didn’t I :woman_facepalming:
This is on me. You can’t possibley know that I am basically a clown. :sweat_smile: Sorry if it came off as if I am implying he’d murder and eat people.

I also found his posts not as disturbing as this thread made me think.

I don’t even understand why are people freaking out that he removed part of his jaw bone. It’s not uncommon to do this surgery in countries like Korea, Japan and China.


Just gonna leave that here

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The real question here is how do you not believe the evidence in front of your own face? Dude got a fucked up forehead tattoo and removed the bones from his face, then parades himself on social media like the narcissist he is. I think it’s pretty damn obvious he is not well.

This scene inhibits and exacerbates mental illness. Everything from the lyrical content in many VK band’s songs, to displays of self-harm, and the type of people this scene attracts due to said factors… VK is on the fringes of society and a major attractant of f’d up people. Bandomen and fan alike.

Narcissism alone is a mental illness. What these guy is doing is way beyond that. Don’t be ignorant.


proceeds to still not believe it


While Jury is still out on the nipples and auto cannibalism, it can’t be denied that he’s gotten these unnecessary, excessive surgeries and it’s gotten to the point of addling his mind.

At most charitable, he’s faking mental illness and that in and of itself, is a symptom of other mental problems.


real or not, it’s so damn wierd either way

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Not exactly. Narcissism is not a mental illness, it’s a personality disorder. The difference: you can recover from mental illness.

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Tbh, he doesn’t “want to appear all the time” any more than all the people on TikTok

It’s pretty obvious this dude is addicted to plastic surgery. I’m just saying it’s obvious he didn’t remove his nipples…he’d have shown it by now. Also removing bone from your jaw is usually done in shavings aka powder, not giant bones like that shit he put in his soup. I bet you anything that’s just something he purchased.

He’s done way too much plastic surgery. So do a lot of people. But that doesn’t mean he’s doing half the unhinged stuff he’s claiming. He could have had jaw surgery which doesn’t mean he actually used his bones for soup . Also the face tat is not exactly rare…Meto has a face tat as well. Unwell or not that’s for the people he knows to handle. Best thing people can do is not give his cries for attention any, well, attention. The plastic surgery stuff is the most attention this guy has ever gotten even compared to when his band was active. Of course he’ll keep going.


Kinda not so surprising he is into plastic surgery when he is hanging around with Mr. Takano-Yuri-Beauty-Clinic aka Gackt. He surely is an enabler.

From Gackt’s Insta:


Why are you so obsessed about the nipple thing? Whether it’s true or not, who really cares?

Though i do agree with some stuff i feel like he’s caught on to the rumours and may just be trolling people to stay in the spotlight and stay relevant. Either way he is not a healthy guy and seriously needs help and I hope one day he realises how ridiculous he is acting and can begin improving on himself.

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Because none of what he is actually doing is particularly “unhealthy” if you take out the nipple removal and the eating his own bones, both of which I don’t believe to be true. He’s just into shock for attention like past Jeffree Star or something.

Also I just have a hard time thinking this many people believe this. Like he had them “removed” but now he just wears nipple tape or perfectly angles his open jacket to never, everrrr show them? Nobody outside of the vkei worl had ever heard of this dude and now he’s in mainstream news as the guy who removed his nipples and it’s just crazy to me that people are dumb enough to believe it/give him attention for it. Same with his bones- when you remove jaw bone it doesn’t come out in huge chunks like what he put in his ramen.

So…when you take those extreme things out all you are left with is a botched dude who is addicted to plastic surgery. There are thousands of dudes who look just like him all over Tokyo. While it’s unfortunate that doesn’t really show much cause for concern re: his mental health, there are plenty of people within the scene who have real issues with depression, self-harm etc. IDK why this dude is stirring up so much empathy is all. I’ll stop here since it’s redundant now, just…the dude seems fine.


You couldnt be more wrong. Like, even if he hasnt done any of these things, the fact he is making out he is for attention, among other questionable content he has posted online and his obsession with cosmetic surgery does not seem like a healthy person to me. Seems like he defo has some pretty bad mental stuff going on that he could use some help with.



Mia uploaded a video of Sabbath performer by him and Shin on vocals, nice to hear some normal stuff from him once in a while :frowning:


bro really got on there with the nipple pasties

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