
Another topic surprised was not created. Wow what a band. I’d have to say I miss them. These guys were definitely on the list of top bands that were very much missed. A lot of their stuff is metalcore. They also dabble in melodic stuff a bit. A lot of great songs came out of this band and I feel like they had the potential to be up their with the gazette popularity wise if they continued and did things smartly. Unfortunately in 2014 they disbanded. Again another band with 0 line up changes which is rare to see in the vkei scene. I’m unsure why they disbanded I never really dug into why but the most I know is the vocalist Natsuki went to become an avocado farmer. The most oddest transition I have seen lol :sweat_smile:.

Anyways some may have heard of them some probably not. I recommend checking them out.

Vocalist: Natsuki
Disrepute → Scare Crow as Natsuki (なつき) → -OZ- as Natsuki → retired/avocado farmer

Guitarist: Tama
GYPSY (ジプシー) → -OZ- → unknown

Guitarist: Aki
Disrepute → Scare Crow as Aki (あき) → -OZ- as Aki , → unknown

Bassist: Nao
GYPSY (ジプシー) → -OZ- → unknown

Drummer: Zukki
USAGI (ウサギ) as ZUKKI (ズキ) → -OZ- as Zukki → Annie’s Black (support) , GAGAGAGA (ガガガガ) (support) → Kayuu (華遊) (support) → 9999DEVELOPER (support) → 28SAMA. (support)


Filmy 5ever! :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:


love that song too it’s great :laughing:


They always hit that heavy fix when I need it. -OZ- was so good.

→ retired/avocado farmer (LOL)


A little nostalgic about them, Versus, notably is a very great album, Natsuki have a unique voice. Unfortunate, all the members of Oz are lost to sight, musically. Well, avocado culture is also nice, it’s a growth market.:sweat_smile:


saw them at an anime convention in 2012 and i believe they performed their song zenith twice. it was so fun and we were so close to that tiny ass stage. i’ll never forget how good they sounded, my goodness!! and the crush i had on nao… lmao


I was never rly much into these guys when they were around, but whenever I listen to their stuff it just feels so comfy and nostalgic. I guess I should spin them more often, huh… :slight_smile:


Was lucky enough to saw them live in Paris in 2011, it was SO good!
Still bitter I didn’t buy their complete best album boxset when I had the chance…


Zukki still posts on his twitter about them hanging out/jamming sometimes



Ty for this :pray:

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Every time an artist thread is started here I think “how did they not have one yet?!” Still catching up from the old MH I guess lol

I love Oz, I sure miss them after a while of playing their old material back :frowning: which is still a regular thing for me

I had a little conversation on the phone with my friend who’s a metalhead last week. let’s call him A-kun for now.
A-kun: um, what’s the name of that Japanese band, bro?
me: which one?
A-kun: the vocalist who’s a peasant now.
me: what? o_O
A-kun: ah, never mind, I know their name now.
me: um? how did you know?
A-kun: I chopped an avocado and put it in my salad just now.


Btw, anybody managed to decipher the screaming in Resemblance?

I have the lyrics booklet but it’s just empty and don’t understand anything aside from losing myself

From 2:10