Post your "UNPOPULAR" Japanese music opinions! / aka "HOT TAKES" :P

I like the english version of Dozing Green.

キズ might be my favorite band if Lime would just get rid of those fucking braids.AGAIN.


The Last Rockstars is overhated


The kneejerk reaction to The Last Rockstars is totally understandable (must admit I wasn’t immediately charmed myself), but it’s peak Yoshiki indulgence and I’m 100% here for it.


Goku -Shohan Gata Enban- is better than 13’s reborn and i wish they would continue in that direction for some while. The production was better too.

Edit: the single version of some of the 13’s reborn songs also sounds better
(especially kaisen sengen)


Yes, I don’t think it’s a style many VK artists can pull off but they look worse than normal on Lime.

DIM is still my favorite GazettE album and I really wish they would go back to playing with this a bit. I came into listening to them with Stacked Rubbish, and picked up NIL and Stacked Rubbish… but DIM was just… I dunno. I feel it’s aged well. I think the only track I would skip would be Invisible wall and that’s purely because I listened to it waaaaaaaaaay too much when the MV released.

I also started listening to them in like… 2008, so maybe it’s a little different for newer fans. DOGMA was a fun release I think, I saw them live for the first time with that release. So I might be partial to it because of that, but there’s definitely some songs on there I could skip.


That’s not really unpopular opinion thou? Even newer fans like me prefer DIM to alot of their other albums. I also wish they would go back to playing that style (maybe when they’re going indie again? :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: )

What is an unpopular opinion however is that DOGMA is Overrated and Beautiful Deformity is Underrated, plus TOXIC is Overhated. (srsly thou. that album could be as good as Girugamesh’s MUSIC if you did some adjustment.


It’s funny cause I feel like that wasn’t the opinion of the people I met when at the live I went to, I’m sure the climate has changed, but when we spoke about our favorite albums, they gave me a weird look for saying DIM. lmao. :eyes: They’re going indie again? I haven’t been following because MASS unfortunately felt super boring.

TOXIC and Beautiful Deformity I grew a love for over the years. Beautiful Deformity is actually one of my roadtrip albums, since I don’t wanna be switching stuff too frequently. TOXIC wasn’t as well executed as I wanted it to be? But there’s some fun tracks on that one, I really enjoyed Vortex but I really liked the single for Vortex and Red’s B-Side.


DIM was a major album, released before their switch from king records to sony music.

their last indie release was gama (summer of 2005), and they already adopted more or less major sound by that time, except for ruki’s vocals evolving over several decades after that.


This is definitely the first time I’ve heard DIM not being a favored album of theirs. I too have always seen DIM favored as at least one of their best albums, if not the best; old and new fans a like.

Interesting that you’ve heard differently. Was the live you mentioned going to one of their international ones or was it in Japan? Were the fans you were talking to Japanese or part of the international fanbase? Curious to see if that might be part of the difference? :thinking:

it was an international live with an international community, I’m not sure if maybe the international community thinks differently? I was honestly surprised, because the looks I got were super weird. I got asked if I was HERESY FC after too LMAO . It’s possible that maybe the crowd I was with was super… judgey?? I’m not sure.

I think it has also changed too, I know when I saw them it was 2016, so a year after DOGMA release. I went to the NYC show.

:smile: huh, maybe it was just that group? Interesting. :thinking: Not sure what the Japan side would say, now i’m curious! (if anyone finds out, i’d love to know!) But yea, been a few albums since DOGMA, so your right, now there’s more as compared to then.

Went to the one in LA - it wasn’t really formatted like usual, from what I remember. Still enjoyable though.

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It’s possible it was just the group, but the group for my location was pretty mixed? We had a lot of international people too, some of the people I spoke to were from MX and Europe. I think it’s possibly a product of the time.

I think the live was formatted a little different also? I remember VIP being a mess at my location, I didn’t get VIP but I had really considered it. It was a fun show though! I didn’t go in 2019, I wasn’t a huge fan of NINTH.

Other than this I don’t think I can think of any other unpopular opinions, aside from Purple Stone deserving better, but I don’t think that’s a controversial take lol

Oh that’s cool! I don’t think I encountered any international fans at the one here. I didn’t go in 2019 either. Wondering if they just, for whatever reason, format international shows differently :thinking: oh well.

oh no, what happened with the VIP? :thinking: don’t recall anything on this end for that.

VIP in NYC got in like… entirely too late to do anything VIP from what I had heard. They basically didn’t get to do the full thing and it’s because they had the regular and VIP in one line. We waited in line I think for like 4 ish hours? I remember getting there around 2PM and getting into the venue close to 6 PM?

Not jrock but as a person who grew up with gang culture, I feel a sort of disdain for the music by ‘Otaku Rappers’ and Vtuber Rappers like Mori Calliope, Demondice, Boogey Voxx and Monsters Mash. As much as some of them make songs with pretty understandable meanings, their style of rap music is the kind of rap music you would hear white trash douches make (stereotypical boom bap beats, throwing slang here and there without substance, awkward cursing, very limited understanding of street/ghetto shit), I don’t hate the artists personally but their rap music kinda irks me. I’d rather listen to their Jpop shit than their rap shit and that’s saying sumn because I don’t even listen to Jpop.



:grimacing: ouch. Lots of angry people i’d imagine. That’s horrible.