R-Shitei to make an announcement on December 29, 2024



Either full revival or full disbandment is my guess.


Revival please!!

Considering that Yuugure girl band seems inactive for more than a year, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was at least a limited revival

I doubt if it would be a disbandment they would just do it right away
now the real question will be will it be a one day revival or a complete revival including as first release a full album

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Omg yes. Please be a full come back :pray::eyes:

These B!TC#3S better come back with a full resurrection after 5 years, none of their current projects are interesting, all just greed feast.

If all their projects are really these cash grabs then it isn’t unlikely this one is also a quick cash grab :sweat_smile:

Granted I only know one R Shitei song

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Hirotaka literally just sat his butt back down lol. No, but just this morning, I was thinking about how gives was a disappointment and I kinda wished they’d all go back to rshitei

For whatever reason they posted the same text again but now in a rose coloured background

Love the annoucements of announcements. Hopefully the announcement is the announcement of an announcement!!