I have a pink backpack. I love my pink backpack. Most pretty much all of my clothes are black. I love my black clothes. My black clothes stain my pink backpack and those stains don’t come off, as I have just learned after putting it through the washing machine twice (first on a regular washing cycle and then with a ton of stain remover).
I was hoping that if I could get it all nice and clean again that I could start sticking my band patches on it, but I guess I have to find another alternative (I don’t want to do a vest, I’ll never wear one)
"I wanna tell you things but it feels like im not allowed to talk about it… "
“It’s hard to explain”
Then why get my attention to say i have things you want to tell me if you can’t? What was the point? Why bring it up? Why do you like playing mind games with me?
Omg… I hate summer time. It’s warm and not good feeling if I’m not on the beach enjoying
Looking to reform English orthography. Should we replace ‘th’ with Þ or ϴ?
- Þ (Thorn)
- ϴ (Theta)
0 voters
Thorn was already used before because it was actually part of the English Latin alphabet. Don’t get the favour for Theta, typographically it doesn’t fit into the Latin alphabet imo.
Yeah, I’m a big fan of bringing back thorn (and maybe even borrowing ð from Icelandic!) but I don’t understand why theta is in the lead either.
or you can have both too… like in the norÞern vs souϴern engliʃ thing
if they can learn neo-pronouns they’ll adapt
Once again praying for a kind soul to unearth the La’Mule demos and footage from Baiser shows in their first era
Just lost one of my earphone’s mesh. i don’t want earwax to get into it so i opted for not using it for a while
Listen I had to come back from hibernation mode to complain about this one thing :
There’s gonna be a local anime con and they’re inviting Japanese artists for concerts so SCANDAL (for the 1st time) and FLOW (for like the 10th time) will be there. And AKINO will also be there (for the 2nd time) . And some bands I don’t particularly care for (Burnout Syndromes, SSTP)
Now not to complain about the bands themselves because I love them all but I simply cannot with the fact that FLOW is the headliner while SCANDAL is “very relevant” yet AKINO is regarded as some nobody???!!!???
And because of that I can’t find basic info like what time they’re playing or if they’re having a M&G and if I don’t get to see them I am afraid they might never come back bc of that???
Like whats up?? Locals LITERALLY only care about stupid shounen and metal bands and I should’ve seen it coming bc FLOW not even once included Word of the Voice in their setlists (their first concert was in 2014 so just after the Anime Best album and they included some random covers instead. They DID include Ai Ai Ai Ni Utarete Bye Bye Bye thankfully but it was literally just me and 1 bro screaming it) Sambomaster played some of their first few international concerts in local anime cons and didn’t include Kimi no Kirei ni Kizuite Okure in their setlists not even once (so in the end their concert was like 2 anime songs and a lot of fillers but noooooo dont play the josei anime song noooooooo thats forbidden. It’s funnier bc the only local I ever knew who was a Sambomaster fan got into them because I showed him that song lol luckily he didnt travel like 1000 km for that letdown)
Last time I tried to spread the word of josei in my humble blog I got roasted so bad by local bigwigs I never went back to blogging. Josei? Is that like, sashimi?? Mecha what’s that?? Yoko Kanno who??? I should be thankful because seeing TMR live was SO comfortable (so empty that I could move my arms freely) but it’s weird how it’s always just me and a few other freaks in the room … Logically this means they aren’t bringing the artists I like because apparently I am the only local who likes them. And I REALLY want SCANDAL to play Pride but AKINO didn’t even play Go Tight last time so yeah I rly shouldn’t get my hopes up. at least I can count on lesbian songs
On the upside at least the stupid shounen fans KNOW Nightmare pretty well and if theres a stupid shounen fan into it, there’s a way
(they DON’T know about MUCC and I am kinda glad they dont because I would throw a fit if I paid for a MUCC concert and they only played shounen themes and the metalfags’ 20-year-old faves sooooo hoooraaaay . . . )
anyway, other than that I hope everyone is doing well. Back to hibernation
I’m high asf
Now that explains a lot
I am a huge supporter of not keeping people in your life if you don’t want them around, in part because I do that but it just kinda bums me out that someone that I’ve known for 20 years has more or less stopped talking to me in the past few years. Like usually I hear from her during holidays and whatnot but this year she didn’t text me for my birthday and hasn’t answered the birthday text I sent her today. Last I heard from her was on New Years. I’ve suggested meeting up several times even before the pandemic and it was always “yeah I’ll let you know” and then radio silence.
Again, it’s not that I blame her or anything, she has every right to move on with her life in whatever direction she chooses and with whoever she chooses, it’s just that I’ve never had a whole lot of friends to begin with and to have one of my oldest friends just essentially long-term-ghost me kinda sucks.
a painting i made last yr when it became apparent I’d have to step my pixel-crafting game up or probably go and die got axed by content filter on a website that doesn’t allow ay-eye art, how’s your summer goinnnnnn’
looking absolutely goopéd milady
but also, what the hell? that sucks
thats my thought every evening haha
Expose yourself
An abundance of rain ensnared by the faint sky
It pours down forcefully like suicide of the future
Buried At Sea
We must nurture character
Praise immorality
She’ll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain
She’ll make you live her crazy life, but she’ll take away your pain
Like a bullet to your brain
Come on!
Wife’s therapist recommended that I get therapy, had my intake today and this evening she got hired to a new job in a different state and they don’t take another states insurance so I’ll have to get another therapist once we move, but we’re going to have more money which means we can finally get out of debt and get a car and a house and FINALLY travel like we’ve wanted to for six years. Cest la vie.
Car was near breaking down yesterday so I traded it in and got a newer one, eight years older and more modern tech than I can understand after driving a 14 year old car.